Efectos de la exclusión de juzgamiento de los delitos contra la vida en la justicia indígena.
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Universidad de Otavalo
La justicia indígena más que un derecho es un legado de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas, conforme a la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, en su Convenio OIT-
169, que otorga derechos y principios como: gozar plenamente de los derechos humanos y libertades; que se respeten sus creencias, costumbres y tradiciones ancestrales; permitiéndoles ostentar una administración de justicia independiente y autónoma, entre otros. La Constitución de 1998 contenía estos principios y derechos, pero es la de 2008, la que consagra en su Art. 171 a la justicia indígena con base en sus derechos consuetudinarios orales, no escritos que deben estar vigentes en el ejercicio de una jurisdicción indígena, y sus decisiones, emanadas de autoridades indígenas, serán respetadas por la justicia ordinaria. El caso No. 0731-10-EP dado en la comunidad indígena La Cocha Panzaleo Cotopaxi, dio lugar una demanda de inconstitucionalidad ante la Corte Constitucional señalando que violenta el principio non-bis-in-idem. Teniendo como objetivo general examinar las implicaciones jurídicas y las repercusiones sociales del juzgamiento de los delitos contra la vida en el caso “La Cocha”, considerando el contexto de diversidad cultural y pluralismo jurídico en el Ecuador. Esta investigación recurre a un enfoque cualitativo, con un nivel de profundidad descriptivo-explicativo, basado en los métodos hermenéutico, deductivo y analítico sintético, con técnicas como la revisión documental y la revisión jurisprudencias que permitió evidenciar los efectos posteriores al dictamen Las Cocha. En este contexto, esta Sentencia resuelve: El delito contra la vida los debe investigar y conocer fiscalía, por obligación, y deber del Estado protegerlo, siendo facultad exclusiva y excluyente de la justicia ordinaria. No existe doble juzgamiento, la justicia indígena no resuelve el tema respecto de la protección del bien jurídico: vida; sino solo en función de los efectos sociales; por tanto, el que transgreda la norma del derecho a la vida dentro de una comunidad indígena será sancionado conforme a la justicia ordinaria. De allí que, para las comunidades indígenas hay el doble juzgamiento, en ese sentido, prefieren no sancionar este tipo de delitos donde esté afectado el derecho a la vida; estos son los efectos de la exclusión de la sanción de los delitos contra la vida dentro de la justicia indígena, que vulnera los derechos de justicia indígena, por lo que la Corte Constitucional del Ecuador, en sentencias posterior ha mitigado progresivamente esta vulneración y confiere y reconoce otros derechos a los pueblos y comunidades indígenas.
Indigenous justice, more than a right, is a legacy of indigenous peoples and communities, according to the International Labor Organization, in its ILO-169 Convention, which grants rights and principles such as: fully enjoying human rights and freedoms; that their beliefs, customs and ancestral traditions be respected; allowing them to hold an independent and autonomous administration of justice, among others. The 1998 Constitution contained these principles and rights, but it is the 2008 Constitution, which enshrines in its Article 171 indigenous justice based on their customary oral rights, not written that must be in force in the exercise of indigenous jurisdiction, and their decisions, emanating from indigenous authorities, will be respected by ordinary justice. Case No. 0731-10-EP, filed in the La Cocha Panzaleo Cotopaxi indigenous community, gave rise to a claim of unconstitutionality before the Constitutional Court, stating that it violates the non-bis-in-idem principle. Having as a general objective to examine the legal implications and social repercussions of the prosecution of crimes against life in the "La Cocha" case, considering the context of cultural diversity and legal pluralism in Ecuador. This research uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive- explanatory level of depth, based on hermeneutic, deductive and synthetic analytical methods, with techniques such as documentary review and jurisprudence review that allowed to demonstrate the effects after the Las Cocha ruling. In this context, this Judgment resolves: The crime against life must be investigated and heard by the prosecution, by obligation, and the duty of the State to protect it, being the exclusive and excluding power of ordinary justice. There is no double judgment, indigenous justice does not resolve the issue regarding the protection of the legal right: life; but only in function of the social effects; therefore, whoever transgresses the norm of the right to life within an indigenous community will be punished in accordance with ordinary justice. Hence, for indigenous communities there is double jeopardy, in this sense, they prefer not to penalize this type of crime where the right to life is affected; These are the effects of the exclusion of the sanction of crimes against life within indigenous justice, which violates the rights of indigenous justice, for which the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, in subsequent sentences, has progressively mitigated this violation and confers and recognizes other rights of indigenous peoples and communities.
Indigenous justice, more than a right, is a legacy of indigenous peoples and communities, according to the International Labor Organization, in its ILO-169 Convention, which grants rights and principles such as: fully enjoying human rights and freedoms; that their beliefs, customs and ancestral traditions be respected; allowing them to hold an independent and autonomous administration of justice, among others. The 1998 Constitution contained these principles and rights, but it is the 2008 Constitution, which enshrines in its Article 171 indigenous justice based on their customary oral rights, not written that must be in force in the exercise of indigenous jurisdiction, and their decisions, emanating from indigenous authorities, will be respected by ordinary justice. Case No. 0731-10-EP, filed in the La Cocha Panzaleo Cotopaxi indigenous community, gave rise to a claim of unconstitutionality before the Constitutional Court, stating that it violates the non-bis-in-idem principle. Having as a general objective to examine the legal implications and social repercussions of the prosecution of crimes against life in the "La Cocha" case, considering the context of cultural diversity and legal pluralism in Ecuador. This research uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive- explanatory level of depth, based on hermeneutic, deductive and synthetic analytical methods, with techniques such as documentary review and jurisprudence review that allowed to demonstrate the effects after the Las Cocha ruling. In this context, this Judgment resolves: The crime against life must be investigated and heard by the prosecution, by obligation, and the duty of the State to protect it, being the exclusive and excluding power of ordinary justice. There is no double judgment, indigenous justice does not resolve the issue regarding the protection of the legal right: life; but only in function of the social effects; therefore, whoever transgresses the norm of the right to life within an indigenous community will be punished in accordance with ordinary justice. Hence, for indigenous communities there is double jeopardy, in this sense, they prefer not to penalize this type of crime where the right to life is affected; These are the effects of the exclusion of the sanction of crimes against life within indigenous justice, which violates the rights of indigenous justice, for which the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, in subsequent sentences, has progressively mitigated this violation and confers and recognizes other rights of indigenous peoples and communities.
Palabras clave
Justicia Indígena, Derecho, Vida, Delito
Nepas, S. F. (2022). Efectos de la exclusión de juzgamiento de los delitos contra la vida en la justicia indígena. Maestría de Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.