Justicia restaurativa y reparación integral a víctimas de violencia psicológica en la Lesgislación Penal Ecuatoriana. Análisis del caso Nª 10571-2019-00014 (Imbabura-Otavalo).
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Universidad de Otavalo
La realización del presente trabajo de investigación empieza desde el conocimiento del caso N° 10571-2019-00014, caso en el cual se llega a conocer que la víctima sufrió violencia psicológica por parte de su conyugue, hechos que conllevaron a plantearse como una problemática de la sociedad actual y que tiene como objetivo general analizar el problema que enfrentan las víctimas en los delitos de violencia psicológica y si las sentencias dictadas por los jueces son suficientes para la reparación integral en las víctimas de estos delitos, y así determinar si existe una justicia restaurativa. La investigación se realizó mediante un enfoque cualitativo con una investigación descriptiva, la misma que permitió revisar doctrina, jurisprudencia, legislación nacional e internacional, para abarcar contenido importante para la investigación. Se pudo llegar a la conclusión de que las sentencias emitidas por los jueces de justicia no son suficientes para una reparación integral y que por lo tanto no existe una justicia restaurativa a hacia las víctimas cuando estas quedan con secuelas a causa de sus victimarios y que el estado no garantiza que reciban una atención integral para reponer su daño psicológico, por lo tanto el estado ecuatoriano debe preocuparse más por el sistema judicial e invertir económicamente en un sistema más eficiente para este tipo de delitos.
The realization of this research work begins from the knowledge of case No. 10571-2019-00014, a case in which it is known that the victim suffered psychological violence by her spouse, facts that led to considering it as a problem of current society and whose general objective is to analyze the problem faced by victims in crimes of psychological violence and if the sentences handed down by judges are sufficient for comprehensive reparation for victims of these crimes, and thus determine if there is justice restorative. The investigation was carried out through a qualitative approach with a descriptive investigation, the same that allowed reviewing doctrine, jurisprudence, national and international legislation, to cover important content for the investigation. It was possible to reach the conclusion that the sentences issued by the judges of justice are not sufficient for a comprehensive reparation and that therefore there is no restorative justice towards the victims when they are left with sequels because of their perpetrators and that the The state does not guarantee that they receive comprehensive care to repair their psychological damage, therefore the Ecuadorian state should be more concerned about the judicial system and invest financially in a more efficient system for this type of crime.
The realization of this research work begins from the knowledge of case No. 10571-2019-00014, a case in which it is known that the victim suffered psychological violence by her spouse, facts that led to considering it as a problem of current society and whose general objective is to analyze the problem faced by victims in crimes of psychological violence and if the sentences handed down by judges are sufficient for comprehensive reparation for victims of these crimes, and thus determine if there is justice restorative. The investigation was carried out through a qualitative approach with a descriptive investigation, the same that allowed reviewing doctrine, jurisprudence, national and international legislation, to cover important content for the investigation. It was possible to reach the conclusion that the sentences issued by the judges of justice are not sufficient for a comprehensive reparation and that therefore there is no restorative justice towards the victims when they are left with sequels because of their perpetrators and that the The state does not guarantee that they receive comprehensive care to repair their psychological damage, therefore the Ecuadorian state should be more concerned about the judicial system and invest financially in a more efficient system for this type of crime.
Palabras clave
Cónyuge, Víctima, Violencia psicológica, Justicia Restaurativa
Flores, M. D. y Quilumbango, J. M. (2022). Justicia restaurativa y reparación integral a víctimas de violencia psicológica en la Lesgislación Penal Ecuatoriana. Análisis del caso Nª 10571-2019-00014 (Imbabura-Otavalo). Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.