El abandono de los adultos mayores en los hospitales como delito según el COIP.
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Universidad de Otavalo
El abandono de personas adultas mayores en centros hospitalarios, se constituye un problema de gran incidencia en la actualidad, esto en virtud de que, se establece como consecuencia la disminución del ejercicio de los derechos fundamentales de las personas adultas mayores, al evidenciarse la transgresión del derecho a la integridad personal y el derecho a la vida. En este sentido, el desarrollo del trabajo realizado atiende a generar, la determinación de lineamientos identificativos de los factores que inciden dentro de la problemática previamente manifestada. En efecto, la metodología empleada se encuentra desarrollada y comprendida a través
de la aplicación de la exégesis, la hermenéutica y la síntesis, que permiten generar una serie de resultados, que son expuestos mediante determinaciones pragmáticas, las mismas que establecen conclusiones lógicas y acertadas, que evidencian los aspectos más relevantes de la investigación, en las que se identifican los principales aspectos sociales, económicos o culturales que subyacen en la determinación del abandono de personas adultas mayores, las mismas que de conformidad a los presupuestos establecidos en la norma constitucional, se constituyen en sujetos que pertenecen al grupo de atención prioritaria, en virtud y en razón de que, pueden llegar a ser afectados, física y psicológica, el abandono de las personas adultas mayores en diversos lugares, entre ellos, hospitales, en donde estas personas sufren amenazas a su integridad física o potencial peligro de trasgresión de su derecho a la vida, atiende a desarrollar los parámetros procesales del tipo penal fijado, en el articulo 153 del COIP, consecuentemente desarrolla los aspectos trascendentales, por los que, la justicia penal ha de garantizar la reparación de los derechos de las victimas del cometimiento de estos delitos; entonces, el análisis se desprende desde la identificación de causas, implicaciones o consecuencias del delito de abandono de las personas adultas mayores, a través de la vía adjetiva penal y conceptual de datos estadísticos, que permiten entender y comprender la problemática del abandono de personas en centros hospitalarios, que debe de ser debidamente corregido y canalizado por medio de la política pública ordinaria, así también la política criminal.
The abandonment of older adults in hospitals is a problem of great incidence today, due to the fact that it is established as a consequence of the decrease in the exercise of the fundamental rights of older adults, as the transgression of the right to personal integrity and the right to life is evident. In this sense, the development of the work carried out aims to generate the determination of identification guidelines of the factors that affect the previously manifested problem. In fact, the methodology used is developed and understood through the application of exegesis, hermeneutics and synthesis, which allow the generation of a series of results, which are exposed through pragmatic determinations, which establish logical and correct conclusions, which show the most relevant aspects of the research, in which the main social aspects are identified, physical and psychological, the abandonment of older adults in various places, including hospitals, where these people suffer threats to their physical integrity or potential danger of transgression of their right to life, serves to develop the procedural parameters of the type penal established, in article 153 of the COIP, consequently develops the transcendental aspects, by which, criminal justice must guarantee the reparation of the rights of the victims of the commission of these crimes; Therefore, the analysis arises from the identification of causes, implications or consequences of the crime of abandonment of older adults, through the adjective criminal route, and conceptual determination of statistical data, which allow us to understand and comprehend the problem of abandonment of people in hospitals, which must be duly corrected and channeled through ordinary public policy, as well as criminal policy.
The abandonment of older adults in hospitals is a problem of great incidence today, due to the fact that it is established as a consequence of the decrease in the exercise of the fundamental rights of older adults, as the transgression of the right to personal integrity and the right to life is evident. In this sense, the development of the work carried out aims to generate the determination of identification guidelines of the factors that affect the previously manifested problem. In fact, the methodology used is developed and understood through the application of exegesis, hermeneutics and synthesis, which allow the generation of a series of results, which are exposed through pragmatic determinations, which establish logical and correct conclusions, which show the most relevant aspects of the research, in which the main social aspects are identified, physical and psychological, the abandonment of older adults in various places, including hospitals, where these people suffer threats to their physical integrity or potential danger of transgression of their right to life, serves to develop the procedural parameters of the type penal established, in article 153 of the COIP, consequently develops the transcendental aspects, by which, criminal justice must guarantee the reparation of the rights of the victims of the commission of these crimes; Therefore, the analysis arises from the identification of causes, implications or consequences of the crime of abandonment of older adults, through the adjective criminal route, and conceptual determination of statistical data, which allow us to understand and comprehend the problem of abandonment of people in hospitals, which must be duly corrected and channeled through ordinary public policy, as well as criminal policy.
Palabras clave
Abandono, Adulto Mayor, Integridad, Sanción
Soria, P. R. (2023). El abandono de los adultos mayores en los hospitales como delito según el COIP. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.