El lavado de activos: Análisis de cómo lleva la investigación fiscalía en un delito cometido en la ciudad de Otavalo.
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Universidad de Otavalo
El lavado de activos se configura como un delito de incidencia global y es uno de los que más daño provoca en la sociedad por estar vinculado a actividades ilícitas como el narcotráfico, la trata de personas, la corrupción, la minería ilegal, el tráfico de armas, entre otros, cuya inyección de dinero ilegal en la economía genera serias distorsiones y desequilibrios en el sistema económico-financiero de un país, afectando bienes jurídicos fundamentales tutelados por el Estado como el bienestar económico y social de sus habitantes. Es deber del Estado emprender acciones que permitan detener el avance de este flagelo, especialmente a través del marco jurídico que permita prevenir, detectar y erradicar este delito. Ecuador ha demostrado que está en esa línea de acción mediante la aprobación de leyes y el establecimiento de mecanismos especializados para combatir el lavado de activos. El presente estudio busca evidenciar que factores inciden para que la actuación de la Fiscalía número 2, Quito no sea eficaz, analizando un presunto delito de lavado de Activos cometido en la ciudad de Otavalo, se ha determinado vulneración de derechos de los procesados. El estudio corresponde a una investigación aplicada, de enfoque cualitativo y de nivel descriptivo, desarrollado fundamentalmente mediante la aplicación de los métodos dogmático-jurídico y socio-jurídico, llegando a determinar que, si bien existen importantes avances en materia de combate al delito de lavado de activos, también se evidencias falencias de tipo operativo que afectan los procesos de juzgamiento.
Money laundering is a crime of global incidence and is one of those that causes the most damage in society because it is linked to illicit activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, corruption, illegal mining, arms trafficking among others, whose infection of illegal money in the economy generates serious distortions and imbalances in the economic- financial system of a country, affecting fundamental legal assets protected by the State such as the economic and social well-being of its inhabitants. It is the duty of the State to take actions to stop the advance of this scourge, especially through the legal framework that allows the prevention, detection and eradication of this crime. Ecuador has demonstrated that it is in line with action by passing laws and establishing specialized mechanisms to combat money laundering. The present study seeks to demonstrate the factors that influence the actions of the Money Laundering Prosecutor’s Office number 2, Quito, in the investigation of the crime of money laundering to be ineffective, analyzing an alleged crime committed in the city of Otavalo to determine alleged violations of the defendant’s rights. The study corresponds to an applied research, with a qualitative approach and a descriptive level, developed mainly through the application of dogmatic-legal and socio-legal methods, determining that although there are important advances in combating the crime of money laundering, assets, operational shortcomings that affect the judging processes are also evident.
Money laundering is a crime of global incidence and is one of those that causes the most damage in society because it is linked to illicit activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, corruption, illegal mining, arms trafficking among others, whose infection of illegal money in the economy generates serious distortions and imbalances in the economic- financial system of a country, affecting fundamental legal assets protected by the State such as the economic and social well-being of its inhabitants. It is the duty of the State to take actions to stop the advance of this scourge, especially through the legal framework that allows the prevention, detection and eradication of this crime. Ecuador has demonstrated that it is in line with action by passing laws and establishing specialized mechanisms to combat money laundering. The present study seeks to demonstrate the factors that influence the actions of the Money Laundering Prosecutor’s Office number 2, Quito, in the investigation of the crime of money laundering to be ineffective, analyzing an alleged crime committed in the city of Otavalo to determine alleged violations of the defendant’s rights. The study corresponds to an applied research, with a qualitative approach and a descriptive level, developed mainly through the application of dogmatic-legal and socio-legal methods, determining that although there are important advances in combating the crime of money laundering, assets, operational shortcomings that affect the judging processes are also evident.
Palabras clave
Proceso, Investigación, Fiscaía, Delito
Gómez, L. M. y Jácome, S. V. (2023). El lavado de activos: Análisis de cómo lleva la investigación fiscalía en un delito cometido en la ciudad de Otavalo. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.