Principios que regulan el anuncio, la práctica y la valoración de la prueba en el Proceso Penal Ecuatoriano.
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Universidad de Otavalo
La Constitución de 2008 marcó un cambio significativo no solo en el ámbito político, sino también en el judicial. Exigió el reconocimiento prioritario de los derechos, garantías y libertades, en línea con los estándares de la comunidad internacional, especialmente los derechos humanos; al afirmar que “Ecuador es un Estado constitucional de derechos y justicia”, se subraya que los derechos sociales, colectivos y ambientales deben dejar de ser meramente declarativos para ser exigibles.
Este cambio se logra aplicando los principios establecidos en la Constitución; para que los derechos sean reconocidos, es imperativo aplicar estos principios. Es crucial comprender qué son estos principios, sus características, objetivos, importancia y la función que desempeñan en nuestra legislación y especialmente en el campo penal. Por lo tanto, el objetivo general de esta investigación es determinar si los derechos, garantías y libertades de los procesados, se aplican conforme al debido proceso y la tutela judicial efectiva en base a los principios. La metodología empleada sigue un planteamiento cualitativo, con una profundidad descriptiva, y se ajusta a métodos específicos; se aplicará una metodología técnica, el método comparativo para realizar comparaciones sistemáticas, y el método deductivo como el inductivo para abordar la investigación desde enfoques específicos. En conclusión, los principios que regulan el anuncio, la práctica y la valoración de la prueba en el proceso penal ecuatoriano desempeñan un papel fundamental en la construcción de un sistema judicial justo, transparente y respetuoso de los derechos fundamentales.
The 2008 Constitution marked a significant change not only in the political sphere, but also in the judicial sphere. It demanded the priority recognition of rights, guarantees and freedoms, in line with the standards of the international community, especially human rights; By stating that “Ecuador is a constitutional State of rights and justice”, it is emphasized that social, collective and environmental rights must stop being merely declarative to be enforceable. This change is achieved by applying the principles established in the Constitution; For rights to be recognized, it is imperative to apply these principles. It is crucial to understand what these principles are, their characteristics, objectives, importance and the role they play in our legislation and especially in the criminal field. Therefore, the general objective of this investigation is to determine whether the rights, guarantees and freedoms of the defendants are applied in accordance with due process and effective judicial protection based on the principles. The methodology used follows a qualitative approach, with descriptive depth, and is adjusted to specific methods; A technical methodology will be applied, the comparative method to make systematic comparisons, and the deductive and inductive methods to approach the research from specific approaches. In conclusion, the principles that regulate the announcement, practice and evaluation of evidence in the Ecuadorian criminal process play a fundamental role in the construction of a fair, transparent and respectful judicial system of fundamental rights.
The 2008 Constitution marked a significant change not only in the political sphere, but also in the judicial sphere. It demanded the priority recognition of rights, guarantees and freedoms, in line with the standards of the international community, especially human rights; By stating that “Ecuador is a constitutional State of rights and justice”, it is emphasized that social, collective and environmental rights must stop being merely declarative to be enforceable. This change is achieved by applying the principles established in the Constitution; For rights to be recognized, it is imperative to apply these principles. It is crucial to understand what these principles are, their characteristics, objectives, importance and the role they play in our legislation and especially in the criminal field. Therefore, the general objective of this investigation is to determine whether the rights, guarantees and freedoms of the defendants are applied in accordance with due process and effective judicial protection based on the principles. The methodology used follows a qualitative approach, with descriptive depth, and is adjusted to specific methods; A technical methodology will be applied, the comparative method to make systematic comparisons, and the deductive and inductive methods to approach the research from specific approaches. In conclusion, the principles that regulate the announcement, practice and evaluation of evidence in the Ecuadorian criminal process play a fundamental role in the construction of a fair, transparent and respectful judicial system of fundamental rights.
Palabras clave
Garantías, Derechos, Libertades, Principios
Ponce, A. B. (2023). Principios que regulan el anuncio, la práctica y la valoración de la prueba en el Proceso Penal Ecuatoriano. Maestría de Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.