Estándar probatorio del delito de femicidio y las limitaciones en su investigación en la Provincia Del Carchi de los años 2019 al 2021.
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Universidad de Otavalo
El femicidio es un delito que afecta la vida. El objetivo de investigación fue delimitar el estándar probatorio y limitaciones de investigación. Se cumplió mediante análisis crítico del tipo, jurisprudencia, doctrina, y estándar en causas del tipo en la provincia del Carchi. El femicidio es un problema social identificado como el extremo máximo de violencia de género. La introducción del femicidio en el COIP visibilizó la problemática y obligó al Estado a facilitar a la administración de justicia herramientas para el juzgamiento efectivo y ejercicio del derecho a la defensa. En el femicidio la investigación se aleja de delitos como asesinato, se requiere de diligencias propias tienden a la protección del bien jurídico y visibilización del problema social de violencia. Se concluye que para la investigación y resolución de los casos analizados entre los años 2019 a 2021 no se practicaron pericias propias de la investigación de femicidio, por falta de recursos o inexistencia de peritos en la provincia del Carchi. Se recomienda al Consejo de la Judicatura incentivar y capacitar los suficientes peritos de entorno social, autopsia psicológica y contexto de género con el fin de satisfacer la demanda de procesos que por femicidio se presentan en provincias donde no existen los suficientes peritos acreditados. Además de una capacitación adecuada a funcionarios con respecto a la investigación y juzgamiento con perspectiva de género.
Femicide is a crime that affects life. The objective of the research was to delimit the evidentiary standard and limitations of research. It was fulfilled through critical analysis of the type, jurisprudence, doctrine, and standard in cases of the type in the province of Carchi. Femicide is a social problem identified as the maximum extreme of gender violence. The introduction of femicide in the COIP made the problem visible and forced the State to facilitate the administration of justice. Tools for effective judgment and exercise of the right to defense. In femicide, the investigation moves away from crimes such as murder, it requires its own proceedings tending to protect the legal good and make visible the social problem of violence. It is concluded that for the investigation and resolution of the cases analyzed between the years. From 2019 to 2021, no expertise of the femicide investigation was practiced, due to lack of resources or lack of experts in the province of Carchi. It is recommended to the Council of the Judiciary to encourage and train enough experts from the social environment, psychological autopsy and gender context in order to meet the demand for processes that are presented for femicide in provinces where there are not enough accredited experts. In addition to adequate training for officials regarding research and judging with a gender perspective.
Femicide is a crime that affects life. The objective of the research was to delimit the evidentiary standard and limitations of research. It was fulfilled through critical analysis of the type, jurisprudence, doctrine, and standard in cases of the type in the province of Carchi. Femicide is a social problem identified as the maximum extreme of gender violence. The introduction of femicide in the COIP made the problem visible and forced the State to facilitate the administration of justice. Tools for effective judgment and exercise of the right to defense. In femicide, the investigation moves away from crimes such as murder, it requires its own proceedings tending to protect the legal good and make visible the social problem of violence. It is concluded that for the investigation and resolution of the cases analyzed between the years. From 2019 to 2021, no expertise of the femicide investigation was practiced, due to lack of resources or lack of experts in the province of Carchi. It is recommended to the Council of the Judiciary to encourage and train enough experts from the social environment, psychological autopsy and gender context in order to meet the demand for processes that are presented for femicide in provinces where there are not enough accredited experts. In addition to adequate training for officials regarding research and judging with a gender perspective.
Palabras clave
Sentencia, Femicidio, Prueba, Delito
Pozo, S. y Paguay, W. P. (2023). Estándar probatorio del delito de femicidio y las limitaciones en su investigación en la Provincia Del Carchi de los años 2019 al 2021. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.