Valoración de la prueba en las infracciones de violencia contra la mujer y miembros del núcleo familiar: perspectivas de flexibilidad.
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Universidad de Otavalo
La violencia contra la mujer y los miembros del núcleo familiar constituye un problema social alarmante que transcurre en distintos contextos y culturas globalmente. Su erradicación demanda una respuesta decidida y eficaz del sistema de justicia penal, enfocada en una valoración de la prueba sensible y flexible. Los delitos relacionados con la violencia doméstica presentan desafíos únicos debido a su naturaleza privada y a menudo oculta, en donde la falta de testigos directos y las intrincadas relaciones emocionales entre las víctimas y los agresores pueden complicar la recopilación de pruebas concretas. En este escenario, adoptar una perspectiva de flexibilidad en la valoración de la prueba significa reconocer y entender las complicadas dinámicas de poder y control que subyacen en estos casos. Tal perspectiva exige que los tribunales adopten una visión más inclusiva y comprensiva de la evidencia, incluso cuando esta no satisface los criterios tradicionales de prueba irrefutable.
Esta investigación se llevó a cabo siguiendo la línea de convencionalidad, que implica examinar si la interpretación y aplicación de las normas internas por parte de los tribunales corresponden con los estándares y principios de los instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos. Se verifica así si las decisiones judiciales están en armonía con los derechos y garantías protegidos por los tratados internacionales ratificados por el Estado involucrado, utilizando como referencia la Sentencia Internacional del Caso "Atala Riffo y Niñas vs. Chile" (2012). Este enfoque refleja un compromiso profundo con los principios de justicia y derechos humanos en el tratamiento de un problema social de profunda importancia
Violence against women and members of the family nucleus constitutes an alarming social problem that occurs in different contexts and cultures globally. Its eradication demands a resolutely effective response from the criminal justice system, focused on a sensitive and flexible assessment of evidence. Domestic violence-related crimes present unique challenges due to their private and often hidden nature, where the lack of direct witnesses and the intricate emotional relationships between victims and offenders can complicate the collection of concrete evidence. In this scenario, adopting a flexibility perspective in the evaluation of evidence means recognizing and understanding the complicated dynamics of power and control that underlie these cases. Such a perspective requires that courts take a more inclusive and comprehensive view of evidence, even when it does not meet the traditional criteria of irrefutable proof. This investigation was carried out following the line of conventionality, which involves examining whether the interpretation and application of internal regulations by the courts correspond to the standards and principles of international human rights instruments. In this way, it is verified if the judicial decisions are in harmony with the rights and guaranteesprotected by the international treaties ratified by the State involved, using as a reference the International Judgment of the Case "Atala Riffo and Girls vs. Chile" (2012). This approach reflects a deep commitment to the principles of justice and human rights in addressing a social problem of profound importance.
Violence against women and members of the family nucleus constitutes an alarming social problem that occurs in different contexts and cultures globally. Its eradication demands a resolutely effective response from the criminal justice system, focused on a sensitive and flexible assessment of evidence. Domestic violence-related crimes present unique challenges due to their private and often hidden nature, where the lack of direct witnesses and the intricate emotional relationships between victims and offenders can complicate the collection of concrete evidence. In this scenario, adopting a flexibility perspective in the evaluation of evidence means recognizing and understanding the complicated dynamics of power and control that underlie these cases. Such a perspective requires that courts take a more inclusive and comprehensive view of evidence, even when it does not meet the traditional criteria of irrefutable proof. This investigation was carried out following the line of conventionality, which involves examining whether the interpretation and application of internal regulations by the courts correspond to the standards and principles of international human rights instruments. In this way, it is verified if the judicial decisions are in harmony with the rights and guaranteesprotected by the international treaties ratified by the State involved, using as a reference the International Judgment of the Case "Atala Riffo and Girls vs. Chile" (2012). This approach reflects a deep commitment to the principles of justice and human rights in addressing a social problem of profound importance.
Palabras clave
Prueba, Violencia, Flexibilidad, Protección
Maiguashca, A. E. y Pozo, A. X. (2023). Valoración de la prueba en las infracciones de violencia contra la mujer y miembros del núcleo familiar: perspectivas de flexibilidad. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.