La sentencia condenatoria impugnada por contravención grave de tránsito y el Derecho a la Libertad del contraventor.
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Universidad de Otavalo
En la República del Ecuador existe la vulneración del derecho a la libertad individual del contraventor sentenciado y privado de la misma, cuando existe una impugnación a la sentencia que aún no está ejecutoriada, ya que el fallo emitido por el juez contravencional puede ser impugnado ante el superior jerárquico y al no encontrarse ejecutoriada, se estaría vulnerando dicho derecho al contraventor. Para desarrollar el presente informe de investigación se planteó el siguiente objetivo general: Establecer mediante un análisis crítico jurídico durante el desarrollo de la investigación, la existencia de la vulneración del derecho a la libertad del contraventor que ha obtenido una sentencia condenatoria ante el supuesto cometimiento de una contravención grave de tránsito que legal y debidamente ha sido impugnada, y para lograr este objetivo, se enfocó en una investigación mixta cuantitativa y cualitativa, con una alcance descriptivo y explicativo, con un diseño de investigación no experimental, en aplicación de los métodos inductivo-deductivo, analítico-sintético e histórico-lógico, y que en base a las encuestas realizadas, se pudo llegar a la conclusión que hay un respaldo abrumador a la idea de presentar un proyecto de reforma al Código Orgánico Integral Penal, para garantizar el derecho a la libertad del contraventor sentenciado y privado de la libertad mientras existe una impugnación a la sentencia que aún no está ejecutoriada, lo que indica un fuerte compromiso con la protección de los derechos individuales y la mejora del sistema legal.
In the Republic of Ecuador, there is a violation of the right to individual freedom of the offender who has been sentenced and deprived of it, when there is a challenge to the sentence that is not yet enforceable, since the ruling issued by the offending judge can be challenged before the hierarchical superior and since it is not enforceable, said right of the offender would be violated. To develop this research report, the following general objective was proposed: To establish, through a critical legal analysis during the development of the investigation, the existence of the violation of the right to freedom of the offender who has obtained a conviction for the alleged commission of a serious traffic violation that has been legally and duly challenged, and to achieve this objective, it focused on a mixed quantitative and qualitative investigation, with a descriptive and explanatory scope, with a non-experimental research design, in application of inductive methods. -deductive, analytical-synthetic and historical-logical, and that based on the surveys carried out, it was possible to reach the conclusion that there is overwhelming support for the idea of presenting a reform project to the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code, to guarantee the right to the freedom of the offender sentenced and deprived of liberty while there is a challenge to the sentence that is not yet enforceable, which indicates a strong commitment to the protection of individual rights and the improvement of the legal system.
In the Republic of Ecuador, there is a violation of the right to individual freedom of the offender who has been sentenced and deprived of it, when there is a challenge to the sentence that is not yet enforceable, since the ruling issued by the offending judge can be challenged before the hierarchical superior and since it is not enforceable, said right of the offender would be violated. To develop this research report, the following general objective was proposed: To establish, through a critical legal analysis during the development of the investigation, the existence of the violation of the right to freedom of the offender who has obtained a conviction for the alleged commission of a serious traffic violation that has been legally and duly challenged, and to achieve this objective, it focused on a mixed quantitative and qualitative investigation, with a descriptive and explanatory scope, with a non-experimental research design, in application of inductive methods. -deductive, analytical-synthetic and historical-logical, and that based on the surveys carried out, it was possible to reach the conclusion that there is overwhelming support for the idea of presenting a reform project to the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code, to guarantee the right to the freedom of the offender sentenced and deprived of liberty while there is a challenge to the sentence that is not yet enforceable, which indicates a strong commitment to the protection of individual rights and the improvement of the legal system.
Palabras clave
Contravención, Impugnación, Sentencia, Contraventor
Gutierres, A. A. (2023). La sentencia condenatoria impugnada por contravención grave de tránsito y el Derecho a la Libertad del contraventor. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.