Los problemas probatorios desde la perspectiva de género en el delito de femicidio.
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Universidad de Otavalo
El presente articulo científico tiene el objetivo primordial en examinar la implementación de la perspectiva de género en la evaluación de pruebas relacionadas con el delito de femicidio.
Para lograr este propósito, se parte de la comprensión de los fundamentos esenciales del femicidio, sus distintos tipos y la perspectiva de género, la valoración de la prueba desde la perspectiva de género y los problemas probatorios desde la perspectiva de género en el delito de femicidio. Se examina el concepto de prueba y cómo la perspectiva de género incide en su valoración, tomando en consideración las leyes actuales de nuestro país. Estas leyes incluyen tanto la Constitución como el Código Orgánico Integral Penal. Sumado a las leyes vigentes del Ecuador, el análisis de los tratados y convenios internaciones, su evolución histórica y aplicación en la perspectiva de género. La investigación se nutre de un análisis de casos concretos y de entrevistas realizadas a fiscales, así como a sobrevivientes y familiares de víctimas de femicidio. A través de enfoques deductivos, experimentales,
sociológicos y analíticos, que permitirá pude corroborar las falencias en la normativa penal
en cuanto la aplicación perspectiva de género en la evaluación de pruebas relacionadas con
el delito de femicidio.
The present scientific article has the primary objective of examining the implementation of a gender perspective in the evaluation of evidence related to the crime of femicide. To achieve this purpose, it begins by understanding the essential foundations of femicide, its different types, and the gender perspective, the assessment of evidence from a gender perspective, and evidential issues from a gender perspective in the crime of femicide. The concept of evidence is examined, as well as how the gender perspective influences its evaluation, taking into consideration the current laws of our country. These laws include both the Constitution and the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code. In addition to Ecuador's existing laws, the analysis includes international treaties and conventions, their historical evolution, and their application in the gender perspective. The research draws on an analysis of specific cases and interviews conducted with prosecutors, as well as survivors and family members of femicide victims. Through deductive, experimental, sociological, and analytical
The present scientific article has the primary objective of examining the implementation of a gender perspective in the evaluation of evidence related to the crime of femicide. To achieve this purpose, it begins by understanding the essential foundations of femicide, its different types, and the gender perspective, the assessment of evidence from a gender perspective, and evidential issues from a gender perspective in the crime of femicide. The concept of evidence is examined, as well as how the gender perspective influences its evaluation, taking into consideration the current laws of our country. These laws include both the Constitution and the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code. In addition to Ecuador's existing laws, the analysis includes international treaties and conventions, their historical evolution, and their application in the gender perspective. The research draws on an analysis of specific cases and interviews conducted with prosecutors, as well as survivors and family members of femicide victims. Through deductive, experimental, sociological, and analytical
Palabras clave
Género, Investigación, Valoración, Evolución
Armas, I. A. (2023). los problemas probatorios desde la perspectiva de género en el delito de femicidio. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.