La suspensión condicional de la pena y su vulneración al principio de igualdad.
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Universidad de Otavalo
En los últimos tiempos se ha evidenciado que las cárceles del país no están logrando una verdadera rehabilitación social de su población, todo lo contrario, están haciendo que bandas se unan y crean vínculos más fuertes para seguir delinquiendo dentro de las cárceles. Este artículo, es un análisis documental, de lo que sucedió con la aplicabilidad del Art. 630 del Código Integral Penal (COIP) en el país, existe una notable limitación para acceder a la suspensión condicional de la pena que no excedan en los delitos de cinco años. La metodología es documental, dogmática jurídica, cuantitativa, cualitativa y analítica, institución garantista que prioriza el derecho a la igualdad. Se propone una reforma al artículo para ampliar el tiempo a diez años sólo en delitos contra la propiedad, puesto que hay delitos por su connotación, cómo los delitos contra la vida y el estado que no pueden ingresar a este cambio. Esto beneficiaría a disminuir el hacinamiento en las cárceles del país, reducir el gasto del estado, celeridad procesal y al aplicar esta propuesta dejaría de transgredir el principio de igualdad y se descongestionaría los recursos económicos, la economía procesal en las Unidades Judiciales Penales sería una realidad, que nos ayudaría a cumplir el principio de la igualdad del Art. 5 del Código Integral Penal (COIP), numeral 5.
Se confirmó que esta propuesta ayudaría a solucionar esta problemática, mejorando notablemente las condiciones básicas de los reos, que el estado destine estos recursos en crear más escuelas y no cárceles más seguras.
In recent times it has been shown that the country's prisons are not achieving a true social rehabilitation of their population, on the contrary, they are making gangs unite and create stronger ties to continue committing crimes within prisons. This article is a documentary analysis of what happened with the applicability of Art. 630 of the Integral Criminal Code (COIP) of Ecuador, there is a notable limitation to access the conditional suspension of the sentence that does not exceed five crimes years. The methodology is documentary, legal dogmatic, quantitative, qualitative and analytical, a guaranteeing institution that prioritizes the right to equality. A reform to the article is proposed to extend the time to ten years only in crimes against property, since there are crimes due to their connotation, such as crimes against life and the state that cannot enter into this change. This would benefit from reducing overcrowding in the country's prisons, reducing state spending, procedural speed and by applying this proposal it would stop violating the principle of equality and economic resources would be decongested, the procedural economy in the Criminal Judicial Units would be a reality, which would help us to comply with the principle of equality of Art. 5 of the Comprehensive Penal Code (COIP), numeral 5. It was confirmed that this proposal would help to solve this problem, significantly improving the basic conditions of the prisoners, which the state allocates these resources into creating more schools, not safer jails.
In recent times it has been shown that the country's prisons are not achieving a true social rehabilitation of their population, on the contrary, they are making gangs unite and create stronger ties to continue committing crimes within prisons. This article is a documentary analysis of what happened with the applicability of Art. 630 of the Integral Criminal Code (COIP) of Ecuador, there is a notable limitation to access the conditional suspension of the sentence that does not exceed five crimes years. The methodology is documentary, legal dogmatic, quantitative, qualitative and analytical, a guaranteeing institution that prioritizes the right to equality. A reform to the article is proposed to extend the time to ten years only in crimes against property, since there are crimes due to their connotation, such as crimes against life and the state that cannot enter into this change. This would benefit from reducing overcrowding in the country's prisons, reducing state spending, procedural speed and by applying this proposal it would stop violating the principle of equality and economic resources would be decongested, the procedural economy in the Criminal Judicial Units would be a reality, which would help us to comply with the principle of equality of Art. 5 of the Comprehensive Penal Code (COIP), numeral 5. It was confirmed that this proposal would help to solve this problem, significantly improving the basic conditions of the prisoners, which the state allocates these resources into creating more schools, not safer jails.
Palabras clave
Principio, Igualdad, Propiedad, Pena
Córdova, R. I. (2023). La suspensión condicional de la pena y su vulneración al principio de igualdad. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.