El juzgamiento del delito de asociación ilícita y la vulneración de la presunción de inocencia del procesado.
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Universidad de Otavalo
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad, el análisis del procesamiento del delito de Asociación Ilícita, descrito en el artículo 370 del Código Orgánico Integral Penal, y como en el trascurso del proceso penal se vulnera el principio de inocencia, que se encuentra reconocido en la Constitución de la República del Ecuador. En correlación a este principio se aseverara, que los delitos de peligro abstracto como lo es el delito de asociación ilícita, trasgreden este principio fundamental, situación que se verifica, cuando a una personas se le considera responsable de un “peligro” que se presume en el delito en mención, debiendo por tanto la persona acusada, asumir la posición de demostrar que su conducta no fue peligrosa, es decir se invierte la carga de la prueba. Por ello se concluyó en la imperiosa necesidad de asegurar las garantías procesales, que permitan proteger la presunción de inocencia de los procesados en el delito de asociación ilícita. En el ámbito de estudio se ha utilizado como metodología el estudio de derecho comparado, que ha permitido el análisis del proceso que arriba a un juzgamiento del delito de asociación ilícita en los procesos penales del derecho ecuatoriano y de otros Estados, en cuanto a la metodología del trabajo, se recurrió a los métodos analítico-sintéticos, dogmático jurídico, que permitió arribar a la descomposición de todo lo que engloba al delito de asociación ilícita y la garantía de presunción de inocencia.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the processing of the crime of Illicit Association, described in Article 370 of the Organic Comprehensive Penal Code, and how, during the criminal process, the principle of innocence, recognized in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, is violated. In correlation to this principle, it will be asserted that abstract danger crimes, such as the crime of illicit association, violate this fundamental principle. This situation is verified when a person is considered responsible for a "danger" presumed in the mentioned crime, thus requiring the accused person to assume the position of proving that their behavior was not dangerous, in other words, the burden of proof is reversed. Therefore, it was concluded that there is an imperative need to ensure procedural guarantees that protect the presumption of innocence of those prosecuted for the crime of illicit association. In the scope of study, the methodology used was comparative law, which allowed for the analysis of the process leading to the trial of the crime of illicit association in the criminal processes of Ecuadorian law and other states. Regarding the methodology of the work, analytical-synthetic, legal dogmatic methods were used, which allowed for the breakdown of everything that encompasses the crime of illicit association and the guarantee of the presumption of innocence.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the processing of the crime of Illicit Association, described in Article 370 of the Organic Comprehensive Penal Code, and how, during the criminal process, the principle of innocence, recognized in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, is violated. In correlation to this principle, it will be asserted that abstract danger crimes, such as the crime of illicit association, violate this fundamental principle. This situation is verified when a person is considered responsible for a "danger" presumed in the mentioned crime, thus requiring the accused person to assume the position of proving that their behavior was not dangerous, in other words, the burden of proof is reversed. Therefore, it was concluded that there is an imperative need to ensure procedural guarantees that protect the presumption of innocence of those prosecuted for the crime of illicit association. In the scope of study, the methodology used was comparative law, which allowed for the analysis of the process leading to the trial of the crime of illicit association in the criminal processes of Ecuadorian law and other states. Regarding the methodology of the work, analytical-synthetic, legal dogmatic methods were used, which allowed for the breakdown of everything that encompasses the crime of illicit association and the guarantee of the presumption of innocence.
Palabras clave
Delito, Asociación Ilícita, Presunción de inocencia, Procesado
Granizo, A. C. (2023). El juzgamiento del delito de asociación ilícita y la vulneración de la presunción de inocencia del procesado. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.