La aplicación de penas alternativas en el delito de hurto y el hacinamiento carcelario en Ecuador.
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Universidad de Otavalo
El sistema penitenciario en el Ecuador se ha tornado en una bomba de tiempo ineficiente y saturada, por lo que no hay que precipitarse al concluir que la solución al problema de la delincuencia es endurecer la legislación actual; ya que las prisiones hacen solo una modesta contribución al combate del crimen. En estos famosos centros de rehabilitación social, no se cumple con la finalidad rehabilitadora que persigue la pena, y que establece tanto la Constitución y la ley, actualmente nos enfrentamos a un alto porcentaje de reincidencia en el cometimiento de delitos, por lo que las cárceles se convierten en una verdadera escuela del mal, en un espacio en el cual el ser humano lejos de rehabilitarse se perfecciona aún más en la acción de delinquir, haciendo imposible su reinserción a la sociedad, es por esto que en términos generales podríamos decir que las cárceles en el Ecuador han sido extremadamente crimino-génicas y lejos de ser un sistema rehabilitador, se han convertido en una verdadera escuela para el perfeccionamiento del delincuente. La presente investigación nace de la necesidad imperiosa de evidenciar la exageración de la medida de la prisión preventiva, por ello que el objetivo general de este trabajo va dirigido a evaluar las posibles alternativas con especial enfoque en el delito de hurto, con la finalidad de
proponer una prisión abierta como medida alternativa a la pena privativa de libertad y la necesidad de reformar los cuerpos normativos vigentes, con el fin de que el proceso de rehabilitación, resocialización y reinserción del reo en la sociedad sea eficaz, en tal virtud para su estudio se aplicó la metodología cuantitativa, a través del método inductivo, analítico y sintético, inductiva, apoyado en el método exegético y analítico, a través de análisis documental, legislativo, doctrinal y jurisprudencial.
The penitentiary system in Ecuador has become an inefficient and saturated time bomb, so we should not be too hasty in concluding that the solution to the problem of crime is to toughen the current legislation, since prisons make only a modest contribution to the fight against crime. In these famous centers of social rehabilitation, the rehabilitative purpose of the punishment is not fulfilled, and that establishes both the Constitution and the law, we are currently facing a high percentage of recidivism in the commission of crimes, so that prisons become a real school of evil, in a space in which the human being, far from being rehabilitated, perfects himself even more in the action of delinquency, making his reinsertion into society impossible. This is why in general terms we could say that the prisons in Ecuador have been extremely criminogenic and far from being a rehabilitating system, they have become a real school for the improvement of the delinquent. The present investigation arises from the imperative need to demonstrate the exaggeration of the measure of preventive imprisonment, therefore the general objective of this work is directed to evaluate the possible alternatives with special focus on the crime of theft, with the purpose of proposing an open prison as an alternative measure to the custodial sentence and the need to reform the current normative bodies, In order to make the process of rehabilitation, resocialization and reintegration of the inmate into society effective, the study applied the quantitative methodology, through the inductive, analytical and synthetic method, inductive, supported by the exegetical and analytical method, through documentary, legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis.
The penitentiary system in Ecuador has become an inefficient and saturated time bomb, so we should not be too hasty in concluding that the solution to the problem of crime is to toughen the current legislation, since prisons make only a modest contribution to the fight against crime. In these famous centers of social rehabilitation, the rehabilitative purpose of the punishment is not fulfilled, and that establishes both the Constitution and the law, we are currently facing a high percentage of recidivism in the commission of crimes, so that prisons become a real school of evil, in a space in which the human being, far from being rehabilitated, perfects himself even more in the action of delinquency, making his reinsertion into society impossible. This is why in general terms we could say that the prisons in Ecuador have been extremely criminogenic and far from being a rehabilitating system, they have become a real school for the improvement of the delinquent. The present investigation arises from the imperative need to demonstrate the exaggeration of the measure of preventive imprisonment, therefore the general objective of this work is directed to evaluate the possible alternatives with special focus on the crime of theft, with the purpose of proposing an open prison as an alternative measure to the custodial sentence and the need to reform the current normative bodies, In order to make the process of rehabilitation, resocialization and reintegration of the inmate into society effective, the study applied the quantitative methodology, through the inductive, analytical and synthetic method, inductive, supported by the exegetical and analytical method, through documentary, legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis.
Palabras clave
Hacinamiento Carcelario, Prisión Preventiva, Hutro, Crímen
Jarrín, N. M. (2023). La aplicación de penas alternativas en el delito de hurto y el hacinamiento carcelario en Ecuador. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.