El uso progresivo de la fuerza en materia de actuación Policial
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Universidad de Otavalo
El uso progresivo de la fuerza es aquel acto realizado por parte de los servidores de seguridad que están facultadas para proteger y mantener la seguridad publica, por lo cual deben tener un control correcto para que su intromisión en situaciones de peligro sea totalmente necesaria y proporcional, así logrando precautelar los derechos de las personas. Se ha observado dentro de las normativas internas que se configura un control incorrecto del uso progresivo de la fuerza por parte de los policías, por lo que, es necesario analizar cuales son los limites que tiene la policía nacional para interferir en actos delictivos. Para analizar cuales son los alcances del uso progresivo de la fuerza se debe tener en cuenta cuales son los parámetros que permite el ordenamiento jurídico estatal, de tal manera que, se utilizará el método cualitativo y dogmatica jurídica que permitirá enfatizar las normativas internas como externas, permitiendo analizar que derechos se pueden evitar que se vulnere con este uso de la fuerza. Finalmente, el alcance que tienen las unidades policiales es respetar los niveles respecto al uso progresivo de la fuerza, lo cual estipula como puede accionar el agente policial y que su actuación sea debidamente jurídica y no conlleve ninguna sanción penal.
ABSTRACT The progressive use of force is that act that intervenes the security entities that are empowered to protect and maintain public safety, so they must have a correct control so that their interference in dangerous situations is totally necessary and proportional, thus achieving the protection of people's rights. It has been observed within the internal regulations that there is an incorrect control of the progressive use of force by the police, therefore, it is necessary to analyze which are the limits that the national police has to interfere in criminal acts. In order to analyze the scope of the progressive use of force, it must be taken into account which are the parameters allowed by the state legal system, so that the legal method will be used to emphasize the internal and external regulations, allowing to analyze which rights can be avoided to be violated with this use of force. Finally, the scope that the police units have is to respect the levels with respect to the progressive use of force, which stipulates how the police agent can act and that his action is properly legal and does not entail any criminal sanction.
ABSTRACT The progressive use of force is that act that intervenes the security entities that are empowered to protect and maintain public safety, so they must have a correct control so that their interference in dangerous situations is totally necessary and proportional, thus achieving the protection of people's rights. It has been observed within the internal regulations that there is an incorrect control of the progressive use of force by the police, therefore, it is necessary to analyze which are the limits that the national police has to interfere in criminal acts. In order to analyze the scope of the progressive use of force, it must be taken into account which are the parameters allowed by the state legal system, so that the legal method will be used to emphasize the internal and external regulations, allowing to analyze which rights can be avoided to be violated with this use of force. Finally, the scope that the police units have is to respect the levels with respect to the progressive use of force, which stipulates how the police agent can act and that his action is properly legal and does not entail any criminal sanction.
Palabras clave
Derecho, Procedimiento legal, Policía, Organización
Gualacata, K. S. (2023). El uso progresivo de la fuerza en materia de actuación Policial. Derecho. Universidad de Otavalo