El engaño en el delito de estafa.
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Universidad de Otavalo
La legislación ecuatoriana admite como elementos indispensables del tipo penal de estafa el engaño, el inducir al error y la destreza para obtener el bien ajeno, los que son identificables en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal, en su Art. 186, señalando al engaño como la simulación de hechos falsos o la deformación y ocultamiento de hechos verdaderos. Tomando en cuenta esta disposición, en esta investigación se tuvo como objetivo general analizar las características y dimensiones del engaño como elemento básico de la estafa en el Ecuador, con el fin de comprender sus implicaciones legales, así como identificar patrones comunes de conducta para fortalecer el marco jurídico y la prevención de este delito en el país. Para lo cual se aplicó una metodología rigurosa que partió de un enfoque cualitativo, siendo una investigación de tipo descriptivo-teórica, con la utilización de un método dogmático jurídico, aunado a los métodos inductivo, deductivo y analítico sintético, apoyada en la técnica metodológica la revisión bibliográfico-documental, que condujo al análisis de la legislación ecuatoriana, para lograr lo que el legislador considera como engaño al ser un
elemento esencial en el cometimiento de estafa en Ecuador. Se esgrimió la opinión más ilustrada de los estudiosos del derecho tanto nacionales como internacionales que estudian el tema del engaño en el juzgamiento de los delitos contra la propiedad. Se ultima que el engaño constituye el elemento más demostrativo de la estafa, ya que direcciona la relación de causalidad que deriva por vía de consecuencia, siendo que, el engaño es la causa o motivo de la afectación patrimonial que sufre la víctima, adicionalmente es el elemento diferenciador con otras figuras delictivas contra el derecho a la propiedad como el hurto, el robo o el abuso de confianza, ya que en este tipo penal, el sujeto activo engaña, induce al error con el propósito deliberado que el propietario entregue voluntariamente el objeto para hacerlo suyo.
Ecuadorian legislation admits as indispensable elements of the criminal type of fraud deception, inducing error and the skill to obtain another's property, which are identifiable in the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code, in its Art. 186, pointing to deception as the simulation of false facts or the distortion and concealment of true facts. Taking this provision into account, the general objective of this research was to analyze the characteristics and dimensions of deception as a basic element of fraud in Ecuador, in order to understand its legal implications, as well as identify common patterns of behavior to strengthen the legal framework and the prevention of this crime in the country. For which a rigorous methodology was applied that started from a qualitative approach, being descriptive- theoretical research, with the use of a dogmatic legal method, combined with inductive, deductive and synthetic analytical methods, supported by the methodological technique. bibliographic-documentary review, which led to the analysis of Ecuadorian legislation, to achieve what the legislator considers as deception as it is an essential element in the commission of fraud in Ecuador. The most enlightened opinion of both national and international legal scholars who study the issue of deception in the prosecution of crimes against property was put forward. It is concluded that deception constitutes the most demonstrative element of the scam, since it directs the causal relationship that derives through consequence, being that deception is the cause or reason for the property damage suffered by the victim, additionally it is the differentiating element with other criminal figures against the right to property such as theft, robbery or abuse of trust, since in this type of crime, the active subject deceives, misleads with the deliberate purpose that the owner voluntarily delivers the object to make it yours
Ecuadorian legislation admits as indispensable elements of the criminal type of fraud deception, inducing error and the skill to obtain another's property, which are identifiable in the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code, in its Art. 186, pointing to deception as the simulation of false facts or the distortion and concealment of true facts. Taking this provision into account, the general objective of this research was to analyze the characteristics and dimensions of deception as a basic element of fraud in Ecuador, in order to understand its legal implications, as well as identify common patterns of behavior to strengthen the legal framework and the prevention of this crime in the country. For which a rigorous methodology was applied that started from a qualitative approach, being descriptive- theoretical research, with the use of a dogmatic legal method, combined with inductive, deductive and synthetic analytical methods, supported by the methodological technique. bibliographic-documentary review, which led to the analysis of Ecuadorian legislation, to achieve what the legislator considers as deception as it is an essential element in the commission of fraud in Ecuador. The most enlightened opinion of both national and international legal scholars who study the issue of deception in the prosecution of crimes against property was put forward. It is concluded that deception constitutes the most demonstrative element of the scam, since it directs the causal relationship that derives through consequence, being that deception is the cause or reason for the property damage suffered by the victim, additionally it is the differentiating element with other criminal figures against the right to property such as theft, robbery or abuse of trust, since in this type of crime, the active subject deceives, misleads with the deliberate purpose that the owner voluntarily delivers the object to make it yours
Palabras clave
Engaño, Estafa, Delito, Propiedad
Muñoz, M. T. (2023). El engaño en el delito de estafa. Maestría en Derecho Penal mención Derecho Procesal Penal. Universidad de Otavalo.