Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa Productora y comercializadora de lana de borrego en La ciudad de Guamote, provincia de Chimborazo
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Universidad de Otavalo
En el país la crianza de ovinos representa un importante nivel económico y social ya que esta actividad se encuentra en el sector campesino marginal pobre del Ecuador, considerando al ovino un componente de ahorro a largo plazo, como resultado la poca rentabilidad a causa de los sistemas de explotación empleados en esta actividad pecuaria a nivel de la provincia" (Beltrán, 2022, p. 17). El sector de la lana de borrego en Ecuador enfrenta una serie de desafíos que limitan su desarrollo y potencial económico. La producción y comercialización de lana cruda, es decir, sin procesamiento adicional, presentan problemas específicos que deben ser abordados para mejorar la viabilidad y rentabilidad de los productores locales. En Guamote, una región con una tradición significativa en la producción de lana de borrego, los pequeños productores dominan la industria. Sin embargo, esta dominación viene acompañada de una serie de limitaciones que afectan negativamente la cadena de valor. La falta de infraestructura adecuada es uno de los principales problemas. Muchas empresas carecen de centros de acopio y almacenamiento eficientes, lo que impide manejar grandes volúmenes de lana cruda y afecta la calidad del producto. La dependencia de métodos tradicionales de esquila y procesamiento resulta en una baja eficiencia y calidad inconsistente de los productos. Además, la infraestructura de transporte y logística es deficiente, incrementando los costos operativos y reduciendo la eficiencia de la comercialización.
In the country, sheep farming represents an important economic and social level. since this activity is found in the poor marginal peasant sector of Ecuador, considering sheep a long-term savings component, as a result of the low profitability due to the exploitation systems used in this activity livestock at the provincial level" (Beltrán, 2022, p. 17). The sheep wool sector in Ecuador faces a series of challenges that limit their development and economic potential. The production and marketing of wool Raw, that is, without additional processing, present specific problems that must be be addressed to improve the viability and profitability of local producers. In Guamote, a region with a significant tradition in the production of sheep's wool, small producers dominate the industry. However, this domination comes accompanied by a series of limitations that negatively affect the value chain. The lack of adequate infrastructure is one of the main problems. Many Companies lack efficient collection and storage centers, which prevents handling large volumes of raw wool and affects the quality of the product. The Reliance on traditional shearing and processing methods results in low efficiency and inconsistent quality of products. Furthermore, the infrastructure of transportation and logistics is deficient, increasing operating costs and reducing marketing efficiency.
In the country, sheep farming represents an important economic and social level. since this activity is found in the poor marginal peasant sector of Ecuador, considering sheep a long-term savings component, as a result of the low profitability due to the exploitation systems used in this activity livestock at the provincial level" (Beltrán, 2022, p. 17). The sheep wool sector in Ecuador faces a series of challenges that limit their development and economic potential. The production and marketing of wool Raw, that is, without additional processing, present specific problems that must be be addressed to improve the viability and profitability of local producers. In Guamote, a region with a significant tradition in the production of sheep's wool, small producers dominate the industry. However, this domination comes accompanied by a series of limitations that negatively affect the value chain. The lack of adequate infrastructure is one of the main problems. Many Companies lack efficient collection and storage centers, which prevents handling large volumes of raw wool and affects the quality of the product. The Reliance on traditional shearing and processing methods results in low efficiency and inconsistent quality of products. Furthermore, the infrastructure of transportation and logistics is deficient, increasing operating costs and reducing marketing efficiency.
Palabras clave
Contabilidad, Empresa, Finanzas, Auditoría financiera
López, E. E. (2024). Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa Productora y comercializadora de lana de borrego en La ciudad de Guamote, provincia de Chimborazo. Licenciatura en Contabilidad y Auditoria. Universidad de Otavalo