Adaptaciones curriculares en necesidades educativas específicas asociadas a discapacidad
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Universidad de Otavalo
La educación es el mejor entorno social, que permite a los individuos desarrollar plenamente sus vidas. Para lograr este objetivo, todos los sujetos civilizados deben aprender a convivir socialmente, lo que obliga al sistema educativo moderno a superar el modelo de acumulación del conocimiento tradicionalista como propiedad personal y crear un modelo de colaboración y cooperación conjunta (Arredondo, 2015). Por otro lado, la educación inclusiva resulta ser un paradigma complejo en el ámbito educativo ya que exige de manera tal, que los docentes se encuentren capacitados en maneras adecuadas de desarrollo para realizar adaptaciones curriculares acordes donde se logre alcanzar objetivos de aprendizaje con los estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales. Cabe mencionar que las escuelas se han constituido y diseñado por y para todos ofreciendo una educación de calidad, basada en la justicia y la igualdad, lo que incluye cambiar el sistema educativo, su cultura, sus prácticas y sus políticas activas y de participación que conduzcan a toda la comunidad al aprendizaje significativo. La igualdad y la cohesión social determinan en cierta medida la necesidad de una educación alternativa en un país donde todos tienen los mismos derechos y oportunidades para recibir educación por lo que la constitución exige una educación diversa y de calidad (Echeita, 2018).
ABSTRACT Education is the best social environment, which allows individuals to develop fully their lives. To achieve this goal, all civilized subjects must learn to live together socially, which forces the modern educational system to overcome the traditionalist knowledge accumulation model as personal property and create a model of collaboration and joint cooperation (Arredondo, 2015). On the other hand, the Inclusive education turns out to be a complex paradigm in the educational field since requires in such a way that teachers are trained in appropriate ways of development to make curricular adaptations according to where it is possible to achieve learning objectives with students with special educational needs. It is worth mentioning that schools have been established and designed by and for everyone offering quality education, based on justice and equality, which includes change the educational system, its culture, its practices and its active and educational policies participation that leads the entire community to meaningful learning. The Equality and social cohesion determine to a certain extent the need for education alternative in a country where everyone has the same rights and opportunities to receive education so the constitution requires diverse and quality education (Echeita, 2018).
ABSTRACT Education is the best social environment, which allows individuals to develop fully their lives. To achieve this goal, all civilized subjects must learn to live together socially, which forces the modern educational system to overcome the traditionalist knowledge accumulation model as personal property and create a model of collaboration and joint cooperation (Arredondo, 2015). On the other hand, the Inclusive education turns out to be a complex paradigm in the educational field since requires in such a way that teachers are trained in appropriate ways of development to make curricular adaptations according to where it is possible to achieve learning objectives with students with special educational needs. It is worth mentioning that schools have been established and designed by and for everyone offering quality education, based on justice and equality, which includes change the educational system, its culture, its practices and its active and educational policies participation that leads the entire community to meaningful learning. The Equality and social cohesion determine to a certain extent the need for education alternative in a country where everyone has the same rights and opportunities to receive education so the constitution requires diverse and quality education (Echeita, 2018).
Palabras clave
Educación, Estrategias educativas, Innovación educacional, Creatividad
Villareal, J. L. (2022). Adaptaciones curriculares en necesidades educativas específicas asociadas a discapacidad. Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas. Universidad de Otavalo