Uso de flipped classroom como estrategia para el aprendizaje significativo en estudiantes de bachillerato general unificado
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Universidad de Otavalo
El presente artículo científico enfocado a las dificultades que tienen los docentes en aplicar herramientas tecnológicas como la clase invertida, además del desconocimiento de los alumnos en el tema; tiene por objetivo identificar el uso del Flipped Classroom (clase invertida) como estrategia metodológica activa a través de un diagnóstico situacional para el fortalecimiento del Aprendizaje Significativo en estudiantes del BGU de la Unidad Educativa Gabriela Mistral; para ello, se obtuvo material científico importante sobre la temática; la metodología de investigación empleada tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo, con un nivel y tipo descriptivo, los método aplicados fueron inductivodeductivo, analítico-sintético, las técnicas la encuesta a docentes y alumnos y entrevista a la autoridad académica, el instrumentos de recolección de datos utilizado fue el cuestionario, mismo que fue validado por criterio de expertos; en cuanto a los resultados obtenidos en el diagnóstico se determina que los docentes han escuchado hablar del Flipped Classroom, pero no lo manejan, por ende no lo aplican en las aulas y los escolares desconocen esa herramienta; aunque reconocen y están conscientes de la importancia y ventajas de esta u otras herramientas tecnológicas tienen en la educación, porque desarrolla en los estudiantes el aspecto cognitivo, procedimental y actitudinal a través del trabajo autónomo, participativo, creativo y motivador, llevándolos a un aprendizaje significativo. Se presenta además una propuesta como alternativa de solución al problema, consta de un taller de capacitación sobre esta estrategia metodológica, finalmente se determina las conclusiones a las que se ha llegado en la presente investigación.
ABSTRACT This scientific article focused on the difficulties that teachers have in applying technological tools such as the flipped classroom, in addition to the lack of knowledge of the students on the subject; Its objective is to identify the use of the Flipped Classroom (inverted class) as an active methodological strategy through a situational diagnosis for the strengthening of Meaningful Learning in BGU students of the Gabriela Mistral Educational Unit; For this, important scientific material on the subject was obtained; The research methodology used had a quantitative and qualitative approach, with a descriptive level and type, the methods applied were ¬¬ inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic, the techniques the survey of teachers and students and interview with the academic authority, the instruments The data collection used was the questionnaire, which was validated by expert criteria; Regarding the results obtained in the diagnosis, it is determined that the teachers have heard about the Flipped Classroom, but they do not handle it, therefore they do not apply it in the classroom and the schoolchildren are unaware of this tool; although they recognize and are aware of the importance and advantages of this or other technological tools in education, because it develops the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal aspect in students through autonomous, participatory, creative and motivating work, leading them to meaningful learning . A proposal is also presented as an alternative solution to the problem, it consists of a training workshop on this methodological strategy, finally the conclusions reached in the present investigation are determined.
ABSTRACT This scientific article focused on the difficulties that teachers have in applying technological tools such as the flipped classroom, in addition to the lack of knowledge of the students on the subject; Its objective is to identify the use of the Flipped Classroom (inverted class) as an active methodological strategy through a situational diagnosis for the strengthening of Meaningful Learning in BGU students of the Gabriela Mistral Educational Unit; For this, important scientific material on the subject was obtained; The research methodology used had a quantitative and qualitative approach, with a descriptive level and type, the methods applied were ¬¬ inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic, the techniques the survey of teachers and students and interview with the academic authority, the instruments The data collection used was the questionnaire, which was validated by expert criteria; Regarding the results obtained in the diagnosis, it is determined that the teachers have heard about the Flipped Classroom, but they do not handle it, therefore they do not apply it in the classroom and the schoolchildren are unaware of this tool; although they recognize and are aware of the importance and advantages of this or other technological tools in education, because it develops the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal aspect in students through autonomous, participatory, creative and motivating work, leading them to meaningful learning . A proposal is also presented as an alternative solution to the problem, it consists of a training workshop on this methodological strategy, finally the conclusions reached in the present investigation are determined.
Palabras clave
Educación, Aprendizaje, Estrategias educativas, Pedagogía
Echeverría, R. P., Benalcázar, R. G. (2023). Uso de flipped classroom como estrategia para el aprendizaje significativo en estudiantes de bachillerato general unificado. Maestría en Educación. Universidad de Otavalo