Calendario vivencial afroecuatoriano para la promoción de los saberes ancestrales de la comunidad "La Concepción"
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Universidad de Otavalo
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal establecer el Calendario Vivencial Afroecuatoriano para la promoción de los Saberes Ancestrales de la comunidad “La Concepción” en el año 2022- 2023, teniendo presente que el Ecuador es un país pluricultural es importante mantener vivas las tradiciones, costumbres y saberes ancestrales de un pueblo o comunidad y plasmarlos en un instrumento pedagógico que permita insertar estos conocimientos y saberes ancestrales en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje Etnoeducativo, los mismo que ayudará a mantener viva su cultura e identidad y que vayan trasmitiéndose de generación en generación como herramienta cultural tangible de la comunidad “La Concepción”. El enfoque de investigación fue cualitativo, con el nivel de profundidad descriptivo, con la aplicación del método histórico y el método documental, aplicando las técnicas de la entrevista y la observación, teniendo como resultado la elaboración de un Calendario Vivencial, en el cual constan las actividades que se desarrollan en la comunidad como parte de su idiosincrasia, de acorde a los meses del año y fechas concretas en las que se realizan estas prácticas, las cuales son productivas, económicas, educativas, culturales y espirituales. Concluyendo en que, este Calendario permite transmitir de generación en generación los saberes y conocimientos ancestrales para mejorar los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa 19 de Noviembre.
The main objective of this work is to establish the Afro-Ecuadorian Experiential Calendar for the promotion of the Ancestral Knowledge of the “La Concepción” community in the year 2022-2023, keeping in mind that Ecuador is a multicultural country, it is important to keep the traditions and customs alive, and ancestral knowledge of a town or community and translate it into a pedagogical instrument that allows this ancestral knowledge and knowledge to be inserted into the Ethno-educational teaching-learning process, which will help keep its culture and identity alive and be transmitted from generation to generation as a tool cultural tangible of the “La Concepción” community. The research approach was qualitative, with a descriptive level of depth, with the application of the historical method and the documentary method, applying interview and observation techniques, resulting in the development of an Experiential Calendar, in which the activities that are developed in the community as part of its idiosyncrasy, according to the months of the year and specific dates in which these practices that are productive and economic, educational, cultural and spiritual are carried out. Concluding that, this Calendar allows the transmission of ancestral knowledge and knowledge to improve the Ethno-educational teaching-learning processes in the students of the Educational Unit 19 de Noviembre Guadiana de los Saberes.
The main objective of this work is to establish the Afro-Ecuadorian Experiential Calendar for the promotion of the Ancestral Knowledge of the “La Concepción” community in the year 2022-2023, keeping in mind that Ecuador is a multicultural country, it is important to keep the traditions and customs alive, and ancestral knowledge of a town or community and translate it into a pedagogical instrument that allows this ancestral knowledge and knowledge to be inserted into the Ethno-educational teaching-learning process, which will help keep its culture and identity alive and be transmitted from generation to generation as a tool cultural tangible of the “La Concepción” community. The research approach was qualitative, with a descriptive level of depth, with the application of the historical method and the documentary method, applying interview and observation techniques, resulting in the development of an Experiential Calendar, in which the activities that are developed in the community as part of its idiosyncrasy, according to the months of the year and specific dates in which these practices that are productive and economic, educational, cultural and spiritual are carried out. Concluding that, this Calendar allows the transmission of ancestral knowledge and knowledge to improve the Ethno-educational teaching-learning processes in the students of the Educational Unit 19 de Noviembre Guadiana de los Saberes.
Palabras clave
Saberes Ancestrales, Calendario Vivencial, Afrodescendiente, Ednoeducación
Estévez, V. M. y Jijón, L. E. (2023). Calendario vivencial afroecuatoriano para la promoción de los saberes ancestrales de la comunidad "La Concepción" Maestría en Educación Intercultural e Inclusiva. Universidad de Otavalo.