El uso de juegos tradicionales para estimular las actividades psicomotoras en niños de 8 a 10 años.
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Universidad de Otavalo
El desarrollo psicomotor es un aspecto crucial durante la niñez, ya que en esta etapa los niños adquieren habilidades motoras fundamentales que son esenciales para su bienestar físico y emocional. Las habilidades psicomotoras abarcan tanto la motricidad fina, que incluye movimientos precisos y coordinados, como la motricidad gruesa, que involucra movimientos amplios y potentes. Estas habilidades son vitales no solo para la realización de actividades cotidianas, sino también para el rendimiento académico y las interacciones sociales, influyendo directamente en la autoestima y en la capacidad de los niños para relacionarse con sus pares, los juegos tradicionales, que han sido transmitidos de generación en generación, representan una herramienta valiosa para estimular las habilidades psicomotoras de manera lúdica y efectiva. Según estudios, la actividad motriz no solo contribuye al desarrollo físico, sino que también favorece la expresión corporal y la socialización. Los juegos tradicionales incluyen una amplia variedad de actividades que fomentan el movimiento y la interacción. Por ejemplo, actividades como correr, saltar, trepar y jugar a la rayuela promueven una mejora en la coordinación y el equilibrio, habilidades fundamentales para el desarrollo integral de los niños. Juegos de manos como las canicas o el dibujar con tizas en el suelo estimulan la destreza manual y la creatividad, mientras que juegos de equipo, como "la cuerda" o "el escondite", fortalecen la coordinación y la percepción espacial, al requerir que los niños ajusten sus movimientos en respuesta a su entorno y a los demás jugadores.
Psychomotor development is a crucial aspect of childhood, as during this stage children acquire fundamental motor skills that are essential for their physical and emotional well-being. Psychomotor skills encompass both fine motor skills, which involve precise and coordinated movements, and gross motor skills, which involve broad and powerful movements. These abilities are vital not only for performing everyday activities but also for academic performance and social interactions, directly influencing children's self-esteem and their ability to connect with their peers. Traditional games, which have been passed down from generation to generation, represent a valuable tool for stimulating psychomotor skills in a playful and effective way. According to studies, motor activity not only contributes to physical development but also promotes body expression and socialization. Traditional games include a wide variety of activities that encourage movement and interaction. For example, activities such as running, jumping, climbing, and playing hopscotch promote improvements in coordination and balance, which are fundamental skills for the integral development of children. Hand games such as playing marbles or drawing with chalk on the ground stimulate manual dexterity and creativity, while team games, such as "jump rope" or "hide and seek," strengthen coordination and spatial awareness, requiring children to adjust their movements in response to their environment and to other players. Keywords: Psychomotor development - Motor skills - Fine motor skills - Gross motor skills - Traditional games – Coordination
Psychomotor development is a crucial aspect of childhood, as during this stage children acquire fundamental motor skills that are essential for their physical and emotional well-being. Psychomotor skills encompass both fine motor skills, which involve precise and coordinated movements, and gross motor skills, which involve broad and powerful movements. These abilities are vital not only for performing everyday activities but also for academic performance and social interactions, directly influencing children's self-esteem and their ability to connect with their peers. Traditional games, which have been passed down from generation to generation, represent a valuable tool for stimulating psychomotor skills in a playful and effective way. According to studies, motor activity not only contributes to physical development but also promotes body expression and socialization. Traditional games include a wide variety of activities that encourage movement and interaction. For example, activities such as running, jumping, climbing, and playing hopscotch promote improvements in coordination and balance, which are fundamental skills for the integral development of children. Hand games such as playing marbles or drawing with chalk on the ground stimulate manual dexterity and creativity, while team games, such as "jump rope" or "hide and seek," strengthen coordination and spatial awareness, requiring children to adjust their movements in response to their environment and to other players. Keywords: Psychomotor development - Motor skills - Fine motor skills - Gross motor skills - Traditional games – Coordination
Palabras clave
Desarrollo, Habilidades, Juegos Tradicionales, Niños
Montalvo, B.A. (2024). El uso de juegos tradicionales para estimular las actividades psicomotoras en niños de 8 a 10 años. Educación Básica. Universidad de Otavalo.