Estrategias de Aprendizaje utilizadas por el docente en el área de Matemáticas con estudiantes de tercer año egb. De la u. E. Nasacota puento
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Universidad de Otavalo
En el contexto educativo actual, la enseñanza de las matemáticas en los primeros años de la educación general básica (EGB) presenta desafíos únicos que requieren la implementación de estrategias de aprendizaje innovadoras y efectivas. En la Unidad Educativa Nasacota Puento, los docentes del área de matemáticas han adoptado diversas metodologías para facilitar el entendimiento y la asimilación de conceptos matemáticos. Se planteó como objetivo general analizar las estrategias de aprendizaje empleadas por el docente en el área de matemáticas con estudiantes de tercer año de Educación General Básica en la Unidad Educativa Nasacota Puento, con el propósito de determinar su efectividad en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La metodología aplicada fue un enfoque mixto, utilizando un nivel descriptivo exploratorio y un diseño de tipo de campo. Para lo cual la población fueron tres docentes de aula y tres autoridades, en cuanto a los instrumentos de medición se elaboró una ficha de observación para determinar cómo son impartidas las clases y cada uno de los procesos que se llevan a cabo, de igual manera se realizó una encuesta de base estructurada con 21 preguntas que se aplicó a los docentes y las autoridades con la finalidad de identificar y evaluar las percepciones y prácticas relacionadas con las estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas en la enseñanza de matemáticas, en este contexto, los resultados permitieron identificar que los docentes aplican estrategias metodológicas como el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, colaborativo que permite la participación activa de los estudiantes dentro de las clases y logrando una formación integral.
ABSTRACT In the current educational context, the teaching of mathematics in the first years of general basic education (EGB) presents unique challenges that require the implementation of innovative and effective learning strategies. At the Nasacota Puento Educational Unit, mathematics teachers have adopted various methodologies to facilitate the understanding and assimilation of mathematical concepts. The general objective was to analyze the learning strategies used by teachers in the area of mathematics with students in the third year of General Basic Education at the Nasacota Puento Educational Unit, in order to determine their effectiveness in the teachinglearning process. The methodology applied was a mixed approach, using an exploratory descriptive level and a field type design. The population consisted of three classroom teachers and three authorities. As for the measurement instruments, an observation sheet was prepared to determine how the classes are taught and each of the processes that are carried out, as well as a structured survey with 21 questions that was applied to the teachers and authorities in order to identify and evaluate the perceptions and practices related to the learning strategies used in the teaching of mathematics, In this context, the results allowed identifying that teachers apply methodological strategies such as projectbased learning, collaborative learning that allows the active participation of students within the classes and achieving an integral formation.
ABSTRACT In the current educational context, the teaching of mathematics in the first years of general basic education (EGB) presents unique challenges that require the implementation of innovative and effective learning strategies. At the Nasacota Puento Educational Unit, mathematics teachers have adopted various methodologies to facilitate the understanding and assimilation of mathematical concepts. The general objective was to analyze the learning strategies used by teachers in the area of mathematics with students in the third year of General Basic Education at the Nasacota Puento Educational Unit, in order to determine their effectiveness in the teachinglearning process. The methodology applied was a mixed approach, using an exploratory descriptive level and a field type design. The population consisted of three classroom teachers and three authorities. As for the measurement instruments, an observation sheet was prepared to determine how the classes are taught and each of the processes that are carried out, as well as a structured survey with 21 questions that was applied to the teachers and authorities in order to identify and evaluate the perceptions and practices related to the learning strategies used in the teaching of mathematics, In this context, the results allowed identifying that teachers apply methodological strategies such as projectbased learning, collaborative learning that allows the active participation of students within the classes and achieving an integral formation.
Palabras clave
Educación, Estrategias educativas, Aprendizaje, Matemáticas
Necpas, L. D. (2024). Estrategias de Aprendizaje utilizadas por el docente en el área de Matemáticas con estudiantes de tercer año egb. De la u. E. Nasacota puento. Licenciatura en Educación Básica. Universidad de Otavalo