Las neurofunciones básicas a través del juego en la primera infancia
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Universidad de Otavalo
En los diversos sistemas educativos, a nivel mundial, las neurofunciones se consolidan como las habilidades y destrezas perceptivas, motrices y cognitivas que deben alcanzar las personas en la primera infancia, con el propósito de responder a las actividades vinculadas al aprendizaje formal (Inoue et al., 2023). Esto implica la maduración cerebral que beneficia los procesos de lenguaje y asegura un óptimo desempeño escolar (Tamblyn et al., 2023). En efecto, la educación inicial demanda de procesos innovadores que integren la neuroeducación para generar escenarios de enseñanza-aprendizaje que estimulen las neurofunciones de los párvulos (Wang et al., 2022). De esta manera, se apoya a la detención temprana de dificultades y riesgos psicosociales que limitan las capacidades comunieativas, expresivas y psicomotoras. La relevancia de las neurofunciones se sostiene en el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes, en vista de que, potencia sus destrezas y habilidades para mejorar el desempeño biopsicosocial. Esto significa, el beneficio de las competencias para enfrentar retos y desetios de la ctapa cscolar en tomo a la lectura, escritura, calculo, razonamientos, entre otras disciplinas (Mera-Segovia & Comez-Leyva, 2020). En este marco, el aspecto cognoscitivo permite la reorganización de los procesos mentales del niño que lleva a la maduración biológica y al desarrollo natural del lenguaje en función de experiencias significativas. Considerando que, las babilidades basicas son indispensables en la formulación de nuevos conocimientos y contribuyen a que los estudiantes superen problemas con independecia y autonomia en el ambito academico (Escobar-Rojas et al, 2018).
ABSTRACT In various educational systems worldwide, neurofunctions are consolidated as the perceptual, motor and cognitive abilities and skills that people must achieve in early childhood, with the purpose of responding to activities linked to formal learning (Inoue et al. ., 2023). This implies brain maturation that benefits language processes and ensures optimal school performance (Tamblyn et al., 2023). Indeed, initial education demands innovative processes that integrate neuroeducation to generate teaching-learning scenarios that stimulate the neurofunctions of toddlers (Wang et al., 2022). In this way, it supports the early detection of psychosocial difficulties and risks that limit communicative, expressive and psychomotor capacities. The relevance of neurofunctions is sustained in the comprehensive development of students, given that it enhances their skills and abilities to improve biopsychosocial performance. This means the benefit of the skills to face challenges and desires of the school stage regarding reading, writing, calculation, reasoning, among other disciplines (Mera-Segovia & Comez-Leyva, 2020). In this framework, the cognitive aspect allows the reorganization of the child's mental processes that leads to biological maturation and the natural development of language based on significant experiences. Considering that basic abilities are essential in the formulation of new knowledge and contribute to students overcoming problems with independence and autonomy in the academic field (Escobar-Rojas et al, 2018).
ABSTRACT In various educational systems worldwide, neurofunctions are consolidated as the perceptual, motor and cognitive abilities and skills that people must achieve in early childhood, with the purpose of responding to activities linked to formal learning (Inoue et al. ., 2023). This implies brain maturation that benefits language processes and ensures optimal school performance (Tamblyn et al., 2023). Indeed, initial education demands innovative processes that integrate neuroeducation to generate teaching-learning scenarios that stimulate the neurofunctions of toddlers (Wang et al., 2022). In this way, it supports the early detection of psychosocial difficulties and risks that limit communicative, expressive and psychomotor capacities. The relevance of neurofunctions is sustained in the comprehensive development of students, given that it enhances their skills and abilities to improve biopsychosocial performance. This means the benefit of the skills to face challenges and desires of the school stage regarding reading, writing, calculation, reasoning, among other disciplines (Mera-Segovia & Comez-Leyva, 2020). In this framework, the cognitive aspect allows the reorganization of the child's mental processes that leads to biological maturation and the natural development of language based on significant experiences. Considering that basic abilities are essential in the formulation of new knowledge and contribute to students overcoming problems with independence and autonomy in the academic field (Escobar-Rojas et al, 2018).
Palabras clave
Educación, Juego educativo, Innovación educacional, Estrategias educativas
Paguay, D. L., Villareal, Dolores. (2023). Las neurofunciones básicas a través del juego en la primera infancia. Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas. Universidad de Otavalo