Causales de nulidad del acta de mediación en el ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano
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Universidad de Otavalo
A partir del 2008, la Mediación se le otorgó un reconocimiento de rango constitucional como un medio alternativo de solución de conflictos, cuyas decisiones se construyen en base a un acuerdo voluntario sobre una materia transigible, que pone fin al conflicto con una naturaleza definitiva y extrajudicial. El acta de mediación, al tener un efecto de sentencia ejecutoriada y cosa juzgada, debe ser construida en armonía al derecho de seguridad jurídica y del debido proceso; por lo tanto deben guardar respeto irrestricto a la normativa legal vigente, contrario sensu, la omisión o inobservancia de solemnidades sustanciales acarrearían vicios que provocaría su nulidad. La ley de Arbitraje y Mediación, y su reglamento no prevén una enumeración taxativa de posibles causales de nulidad del acta de mediación, por lo que es menester acudir a otras normas jurídicas como el Código Civil, el Código Orgánico General de Procesos, e incluso la Ley Orgánica de la Procuraduría General del Estado, para ejercer la acción judicial. Como objetivo general se identificó las causales de nulidad del acta de mediación en el ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano; aplicando un enfoque mixto (cualitativo-cuantitativo) por cuanto se interesó en investigar y analizar desde la doctrina así como una matriz de datos (investigación exploratoria) en causas judiciales por acciones de nulidad que permiten concluir sobre la novedad de la investigación al ser un tema de poco tratamiento jurídico, lo cual constituye de gran relevancia, al no existir causales de nulidad al acta de mediación taxativamente expresadas en la ley de la materia, lo cual se evidencia en un periodo de analisis de 2018 a 2023 existan sólo 23 procesos judiciales de nulidad, en el Complejo Judicial Norte del cantón Quito.
ABSTRACT Starting 2008, Mediation was granted a constitutional recognition as an alternate means for the settlement of disputes, which decisions are constructed based on a voluntary agreement about a matter that can be settled out of court, thus ending a conflict in a definitive and extrajudicial manner. The Mediation Minute, bearing an effect of final judgment and res judicata, must be constructed in pursuance of the right to juridical safety and due process; therefore, unrestricted respect por the legal regulations in force must be observed, a contrario sensu, the omission or breach of substantial formalities would result in its annulment. The Law of Arbitration and Mediation and its regulations do not foresee an unquestionable enumeration of possible causes for annulment of the Mediation Minute, wherefore it is necessary to resort to other juridical regulations such as the Civil Code, the General Organic Procedural Code, and even the Organic Law of the Public Prosecution Office of the State, to take judicial action. The causes for annulment of the Mediation Minute in the Ecuadorian legal system were identified as the general purpose and a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) approach was applied, since the interest was to research and analyze from the doctrine as well as a data matrix (exploratory investigation) in legal cases from nullity lawsuits that allow to conclude on the novelty of this research. This is a subject that receives little juridical treatment and constitutes high relevance, because there do not exist causes of annulment of the mediation minute specifically expressed in the law on the matter, which is evidenced in an analysis period from 2018 to 2023, when there were found only 23 legal annulment cases in the North Judiciary Complex in the municipality of Quito.
ABSTRACT Starting 2008, Mediation was granted a constitutional recognition as an alternate means for the settlement of disputes, which decisions are constructed based on a voluntary agreement about a matter that can be settled out of court, thus ending a conflict in a definitive and extrajudicial manner. The Mediation Minute, bearing an effect of final judgment and res judicata, must be constructed in pursuance of the right to juridical safety and due process; therefore, unrestricted respect por the legal regulations in force must be observed, a contrario sensu, the omission or breach of substantial formalities would result in its annulment. The Law of Arbitration and Mediation and its regulations do not foresee an unquestionable enumeration of possible causes for annulment of the Mediation Minute, wherefore it is necessary to resort to other juridical regulations such as the Civil Code, the General Organic Procedural Code, and even the Organic Law of the Public Prosecution Office of the State, to take judicial action. The causes for annulment of the Mediation Minute in the Ecuadorian legal system were identified as the general purpose and a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) approach was applied, since the interest was to research and analyze from the doctrine as well as a data matrix (exploratory investigation) in legal cases from nullity lawsuits that allow to conclude on the novelty of this research. This is a subject that receives little juridical treatment and constitutes high relevance, because there do not exist causes of annulment of the mediation minute specifically expressed in the law on the matter, which is evidenced in an analysis period from 2018 to 2023, when there were found only 23 legal annulment cases in the North Judiciary Complex in the municipality of Quito.
Palabras clave
Derecho, Mediacion, Regimen juridico, Justicia
Guaman, Y. J. (2023). Causales de nulidad del acta de mediación en el ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano. Maestría en Gestión de conflictos y mediación. Universidad de Otavalo