La mediación aplicada en los delitos de tránsito en el Ecuador
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Universidad de Otavalo
El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar la aplicabilidad de la mediación en los delitos de tránsito en el Ecuador, puesto que actualmente Fiscalía, no cumple lo dispuesto en artículo 665 del COIP que se refiere a la aplicación de la conciliación penal y en su lugar aplica la mediación en materia de tránsito, inobservando lo determinado en el artículo 82 de la Constitución de la República. La metodología utilizada en el presente trabajo se ubica en el nivel descriptivo, con un enfoque cualitativo y hace referencia a métodos de investigación científica tales como investigación documental, investigación de campo, método analítico y la aplicación de herramientas y técnicas de recolección de datos como la entrevista. La mediación penal como herramienta de la justicia restaurativa, constituye una alternativa eficaz para solucionar conflictos relacionados con infracciones de tránsito, que permite a las partes involucradas participar activamente en el proceso, mediante el diálogo y búsqueda de la verdad, con el objetivo de reparar el daño causado a las víctimas, fomentar en el infractor, el reconocimiento de su responsabilidad en el cometimiento del acto y promover una cultura de paz. De ahí la importancia que la normativa vigente sea clara y reconozca legalmente a la mediación penal como un método alternativo de solución de conflictos en materia de tránsito, a efectos de evitar lo que en la práctica se viene suscitando con la conciliación penal, que se lleva a cabo a través de la derivación de casos desde Fiscalía a Centros de Mediación.
ABSTRACT The objective of this investigation is to analyze the applicability of mediation in traffic crimes in Ecuador, since currently the Prosecutor's Office does not comply with the provisions of article 665 of the COIP that refers to the application of criminal conciliation and instead applies mediation in transit, not observing what is determined in article 82 of the Constitution of the Republic. The methodology used in this paper is located at the descriptive level, with a qualitative approach and refers to scientific research methods such as documentary research, field research, analytical method and the application of data collection tools and techniques such as interview. Criminal mediation as a restorative justice tool constitutes an effective alternative to solve conflicts related to traffic violations, which allows the parties involved to actively participate in the process, through dialogue and search for the truth, with the aim of repairing the problem. damage caused to the victims, encourage the offender to recognize his responsibility in committing the act and promote a culture of peace. Hence the importance that current regulations be clear and legally recognize criminal mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution in traffic matters, in order to avoid what in practice has been occurring with criminal conciliation, which is carried out carried out through the referral of cases from the Prosecutor's Office to Mediation Centers.
ABSTRACT The objective of this investigation is to analyze the applicability of mediation in traffic crimes in Ecuador, since currently the Prosecutor's Office does not comply with the provisions of article 665 of the COIP that refers to the application of criminal conciliation and instead applies mediation in transit, not observing what is determined in article 82 of the Constitution of the Republic. The methodology used in this paper is located at the descriptive level, with a qualitative approach and refers to scientific research methods such as documentary research, field research, analytical method and the application of data collection tools and techniques such as interview. Criminal mediation as a restorative justice tool constitutes an effective alternative to solve conflicts related to traffic violations, which allows the parties involved to actively participate in the process, through dialogue and search for the truth, with the aim of repairing the problem. damage caused to the victims, encourage the offender to recognize his responsibility in committing the act and promote a culture of peace. Hence the importance that current regulations be clear and legally recognize criminal mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution in traffic matters, in order to avoid what in practice has been occurring with criminal conciliation, which is carried out carried out through the referral of cases from the Prosecutor's Office to Mediation Centers.
Palabras clave
Derecho, Mediacion, Justicia, Solución de conflictos
Morales, K. B. (2023). La mediación aplicada en los delitos de tránsito en el Ecuador. Maestría en Gestión de conflictos y mediación. Universidad de Otavalo