Aplicación de praxias para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral de estudiantes de educación inicial I.
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Universidad de Otavalo
Las dificultades en el lenguaje oral de niños de educación inicial son evidentes en los diversos contextos escolares; también, presentes en la Unidad Educativa “Antonio Ante”; esto, quizá por la falta de estimulación temprana; es decir, la no aplicación de praxias para corregirlas. Es por esto, que se planteó el objetivo de investigación que fue determinar las deficiencias en lenguaje oral de los estudiantes de básica inicial I, por falta de la aplicación de praxias. Para cumplir este propósito se realizó una investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, transversal y de campo. La población de estudio estuvo compuesta por niños de inicial I, a los cuales se les observó para determinar las deficiencias del lenguaje y expresión oral; además, de los padres de familia y los profesores los cuales identificaron las dificultades en el manejo del lenguaje oral de los niños, opinaron sobre su conocimiento y aplicación de praxias del lenguaje oral; y la necesidad de ejecutar praxias para mejorar el lenguaje. Utilizando la triangulación de instrumentos e informantes se obtuvo como resultado que la mayoría de los infantes presentaban dificultades de pronunciación y claridad al comunicar palabras e ideas; situación que comparten los representantes y maestros de los niños. Se concluye que una de las razones para que se presenten estos problemas de comunicación, es la no utilización intencional de praxias por sus padres y profesores para mejorar el lenguaje oral de los estudiantes; por la cual, se propone una serie de actividades lúdicas para estimular y mejorar el lenguaje de los niños.
ABSTRACT The difficulties in oral language of children in early education are evident in various school contexts; also, present in the "Antonio Ante" Educational Unit; this, due to the lack of early stimulation; that is, the non-application of praxis to correct them. This is why the objective of the research was to determine the deficiencies in oral language of the students of basic initial I, due to the lack of application of praxis. To fulfill this purpose, a quantitative, descriptive, transversal and field research was conducted. The study population consisted of children in the first grade, who were observed to determine the deficiencies in language and oral expression; in addition, parents and teachers identified the difficulties in the management of oral language of the children, gave their opinion about their knowledge and application of oral language praxis; and the need to perform praxis to improve language. Using the triangulation of instruments and informants, it was found that most of the children had difficulties in pronunciation and clarity when communicating words and ideas; a situation shared by the children's representatives and teachers. It is concluded that one of the reasons for these communication problems is the intentional use of praxis by parents and teachers to improve the oral language of the students; therefore, a series of playful activities are proposed to stimulate and improve the children's language.
ABSTRACT The difficulties in oral language of children in early education are evident in various school contexts; also, present in the "Antonio Ante" Educational Unit; this, due to the lack of early stimulation; that is, the non-application of praxis to correct them. This is why the objective of the research was to determine the deficiencies in oral language of the students of basic initial I, due to the lack of application of praxis. To fulfill this purpose, a quantitative, descriptive, transversal and field research was conducted. The study population consisted of children in the first grade, who were observed to determine the deficiencies in language and oral expression; in addition, parents and teachers identified the difficulties in the management of oral language of the children, gave their opinion about their knowledge and application of oral language praxis; and the need to perform praxis to improve language. Using the triangulation of instruments and informants, it was found that most of the children had difficulties in pronunciation and clarity when communicating words and ideas; a situation shared by the children's representatives and teachers. It is concluded that one of the reasons for these communication problems is the intentional use of praxis by parents and teachers to improve the oral language of the students; therefore, a series of playful activities are proposed to stimulate and improve the children's language.
Palabras clave
Educación, Lengua, Innovación educacional, Pedagogía social
Maigua, J. F. (2023). Aplicación de praxias para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral de estudiantes de educación inicial I. Maestría en Educación. Universidad de Otavalo