Detección de problemas de aprendizaje en el aula
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Universidad de Otavalo
Los procesos relacionados con la educación han experimentado numerosos cambios en busca de un desarrollo y eficacia óptimos. En la era de la globalización y la tecnología, el ámbito educativo en todas sus etapas ha sufrido transformaciones significativas con el fin de mejorar el rendimiento de todos los involucrados. En este contexto, la detección de problemas de aprendizaje en el aula se convierte en una necesidad real. Es evidente que se requiere la implementación de estrategias y acciones para mejorar e innovar en la educación, tanto en el entorno académico como en la educación formal (Li et al., 2020).” Actualmente, la importancia de la lectoescritura, así como del cálculo, como contenidos para los niños, es un campo esencial y muy necesario. El docente debe contener la capacidad de conocer y aplicar de manera eficaz las diferentes técnicas y estrategias metodológicas activas que permitan una intervención oportuna en los diversos procesos y actividades cognitivas asociados a la lectoescritura y el cálculo (Álvarez y Correa, 2021). En base a ello, se considera que la detección de problemas del aprendizaje en el aula es un tema de capital importancia que debe ser tratado de manera inmediata. El objetivo de encontrar soluciones que permitan mejorar el aprendizaje de los niños en formación y en constante comunicación.
ABSTRACT Processes related to education have undergone numerous changes in search of optimal development and effectiveness. In the era of globalization and technology, the educational field at all its stages has undergone significant transformations in order to improve the performance of all those involved. In this context, the detection of learning problems in the classroom becomes a real need. It is evident that the implementation of strategies and actions is required to improve and innovate in education, both in the academic environment and in formal education (Li et al., 2020).” Currently, the importance of reading and writing, as well as calculation, as content for children, is an essential and very necessary field. The teacher must have the ability to know and effectively apply the different active methodological techniques and strategies that allow timely intervention in the various cognitive processes and activities associated with literacy and calculation (Álvarez and Correa, 2021). Based on this, it is considered that the detection of learning problems in the classroom is an issue of capital importance that must be treated immediately. The objective of finding solutions that improve the learning of children in training and in constant communication.
ABSTRACT Processes related to education have undergone numerous changes in search of optimal development and effectiveness. In the era of globalization and technology, the educational field at all its stages has undergone significant transformations in order to improve the performance of all those involved. In this context, the detection of learning problems in the classroom becomes a real need. It is evident that the implementation of strategies and actions is required to improve and innovate in education, both in the academic environment and in formal education (Li et al., 2020).” Currently, the importance of reading and writing, as well as calculation, as content for children, is an essential and very necessary field. The teacher must have the ability to know and effectively apply the different active methodological techniques and strategies that allow timely intervention in the various cognitive processes and activities associated with literacy and calculation (Álvarez and Correa, 2021). Based on this, it is considered that the detection of learning problems in the classroom is an issue of capital importance that must be treated immediately. The objective of finding solutions that improve the learning of children in training and in constant communication.
Palabras clave
Educación, Estrategias educativas, Aprendizaje, Dificultad en el aprendizaje
Jami, G. E., Rojas, M. G. (2023). Detección de problemas de aprendizaje en el aula. Maestría en Psicopedagogía con Mención en Neurodesarrollo. Universidad de Otavalo