Recopilación de recursos educativos virtuales para el desarrollo del aprendizaje en la educación musical, nivel preescolar
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Universidad de Otavalo
La educación musical en el nivel preescolar es un tema de gran importancia ya que es en esta etapa donde se forman las bases para el desarrollo del conocimiento musical en la vida de los niños. Actualmente, debido a la pandemia y al uso cada vez más frecuente de la tecnología en la educación, se ha hecho necesario buscar recursos educativos virtuales para el desarrollo del aprendizaje musical en este nivel. El objetivo del artículo fue Determinar la importancia de aplicación de recursos virtuales para el desarrollo de las clases de música para los estudiantes de pre-escolar de la Escuela Particular Gratuita “Letra para Todos”. En base a los datos analizados, se pueden establecer varias conclusiones. En primer lugar, el uso de recursos educativos virtuales en la educación musical preescolar puede mejorar significativamente el aprendizaje y el interés de los niños por la música. En segundo lugar, existen una gran variedad de recursos virtuales disponibles para el aprendizaje musical, pero es importante seleccionar aquellos que sean apropiados para la edad de los niños y que fomenten el desarrollo de habilidades musicales de manera lúdica y entretenida. En tercer lugar, los docentes deben estar capacitados en el uso de estos recursos virtuales para poder integrarlos de manera efectiva en su enseñanza. Finalmente, es necesario seguir investigando y desarrollando recursos educativos virtuales innovadores y efectivos para la educación musical preescolar.
ABSTRACT Musical education in preschool is a subject of great importance, as it is in this stage where the foundations for musical knowledge development in children's lives are formed. Currently, due to the pandemic and the increasing use of technology in education, it has become necessary to search for virtual educational resources to develop musical learning at this level. The objective of the article was to determine the importance of applying virtual resources for the development of music classes for preschool students at the Free Private School. Based on the analyzed data, several conclusions can be established. Firstly, the use of virtual educational resources in preschool music education can significantly improve children's learning and interest in music. Secondly, there is a wide variety of virtual resources available for musical learning, but it is important to select those that are appropriate for children's age and that promote the development of musical skills in a playful and entertaining way. Thirdly, teachers must be trained in the use of these virtual resources to be able to effectively integrate them into their teaching. Finally, it is necessary to continue researching and developing innovative and effective virtual educational resources for preschool musical education.
ABSTRACT Musical education in preschool is a subject of great importance, as it is in this stage where the foundations for musical knowledge development in children's lives are formed. Currently, due to the pandemic and the increasing use of technology in education, it has become necessary to search for virtual educational resources to develop musical learning at this level. The objective of the article was to determine the importance of applying virtual resources for the development of music classes for preschool students at the Free Private School. Based on the analyzed data, several conclusions can be established. Firstly, the use of virtual educational resources in preschool music education can significantly improve children's learning and interest in music. Secondly, there is a wide variety of virtual resources available for musical learning, but it is important to select those that are appropriate for children's age and that promote the development of musical skills in a playful and entertaining way. Thirdly, teachers must be trained in the use of these virtual resources to be able to effectively integrate them into their teaching. Finally, it is necessary to continue researching and developing innovative and effective virtual educational resources for preschool musical education.
Palabras clave
Educación musical, Estrategías educativas, Plataforma digital, Aprendizaje
Cruz, E. S. (2022). Recopilación de recursos educativos virtuales para el desarrollo del aprendizaje en la educación musical, nivel preescolar. Maestría en Educación. Universidad de Otavalo