Desarrollo de la lectoescritura en niños bilingües de 4 a 8 años
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Universidad de Otavalo
El lenguaje se configura como la destreza cognitiva y comunicativa que permea la comprensión y expresión verbal con la finalidad de transmitir significados y mensajes. Este fenómeno lingüístico abarca una multiplicidad de facetas intrincadas en el ser humano, entre las cuales se entrelazan elementos psicobiológicos, motivacionales, conductuales y de aprendizaje, todos convergiendo en una sinfonía que origina la comunicación humana. Mientras diversas corrientes teóricas abogan por una instrucción centrada en la lengua materna como cimiento para la adquisición de habilidades lingüísticas, la realidad presenta matices considerables en el proceso de aprendizaje, especialmente en el contexto de las poblaciones bilingües. El propósito central de la presente investigación radica en el análisis exhaustivo del desarrollo del lenguaje, con un enfoque primordial en las habilidades de lectoescritura, manifestadas en niños de 4 a 8 años, contemplando factores psicobiológicos y ambientales. Este estudio, fundamentado en una perspectiva deductivo-analítica, se manifiesta la evolución cerebral y el desarrollo de competencias lingüísticas, desglosadas en etapas cruciales. Adicionalmente, se realiza una revisión crítica del currículo educativo en este dominio, trazando paralelos entre su estado actual en Latinoamérica y su aplicación en el contexto ecuatoriano, contribuyendo a discernir las dinámicas y retos inherentes a diversas comunidades del Ecuador. Como corolario, se contemplan implicaciones de índole psicopedagógica destinadas a la resolución de problemáticas identificadas, culminando con reflexiones finales que destacan posibles limitaciones inherentes a este estudio en constante búsqueda de un enriquecimiento de la comprensión de los procesos lectoescritores en niños bilingües.
ABSTRACT Language is configured as the cognitive and communicative skill that underpins verbal comprehension and expression to convey meanings and messages. This linguistic phenomenon encompasses a multitude of intricate facets in humans, intertwining psychobiological, motivational, behavioral, and learning elements, all converging in a symphony that gives rise to human communication. While various theoretical approaches advocate for instruction focused on the mother tongue as the foundation for acquiring linguistic skills, reality presents considerable nuances in the learning process, particularly in bilingual populations. The central purpose of this research lies in the comprehensive analysis of language development, with a primary focus on literacy skills in children aged 4 to 8 years, considering psychobiological and environmental factors. Grounded in a deductive-analytical perspective, this study examines brain evolution and the development of linguistic competencies, broken down into critical stages. Additionally, it offers a critical review of the educational curriculum in this domain, drawing parallels between its current state in Latin America and its application in the Ecuadorian context, thereby contributing to an understanding of the dynamics and challenges inherent in diverse communities in Ecuador. As a corollary, psychopedagogical implications are considered to address the identified issues, culminating in final reflections that highlight potential limitations inherent to this study, which continuously seeks to enrich the understanding of literacy processes in bilingual children.
ABSTRACT Language is configured as the cognitive and communicative skill that underpins verbal comprehension and expression to convey meanings and messages. This linguistic phenomenon encompasses a multitude of intricate facets in humans, intertwining psychobiological, motivational, behavioral, and learning elements, all converging in a symphony that gives rise to human communication. While various theoretical approaches advocate for instruction focused on the mother tongue as the foundation for acquiring linguistic skills, reality presents considerable nuances in the learning process, particularly in bilingual populations. The central purpose of this research lies in the comprehensive analysis of language development, with a primary focus on literacy skills in children aged 4 to 8 years, considering psychobiological and environmental factors. Grounded in a deductive-analytical perspective, this study examines brain evolution and the development of linguistic competencies, broken down into critical stages. Additionally, it offers a critical review of the educational curriculum in this domain, drawing parallels between its current state in Latin America and its application in the Ecuadorian context, thereby contributing to an understanding of the dynamics and challenges inherent in diverse communities in Ecuador. As a corollary, psychopedagogical implications are considered to address the identified issues, culminating in final reflections that highlight potential limitations inherent to this study, which continuously seeks to enrich the understanding of literacy processes in bilingual children.
Palabras clave
Educación, Bilingüismo, Estrategias educativas, Creatividad
Masaquiza, L. J. (2023). Desarrollo de la lectoescritura en niños bilingües de 4 a 8 años. Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas. Universidad de Otavalo