Kahoot como herramienta dinámica para el Aprendizaje interactivo de estudios sociales en 8° Egb, de la unidad educativa Ascázubi
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Universidad de Otavalo
Este estudio evaluó el impacto de Kahoot como herramienta dinámica para el aprendizaje interactivo de Estudios Sociales en 8° EGB de la Unidad Educativa Ascázubi, abordando la necesidad de integrar tecnología en el aula para mejorar la motivación y el rendimiento académico, utilizando la metodología cuasi-experimental que permitió comparar un grupo de control con clases tradicionales y un grupo experimental utilizando Kahoot. Se aplicaron encuestas pre y post-test, entrevistas a docentes y se analizaron los resultados académicos. Los hallazgos revelaron una mejora significativa en el rendimiento del grupo que usó Kahoot (promedio 8.53) frente al grupo de control (6.77). La percepción de los estudiantes fue altamente positiva, con un 66% considerando a Kahoot muy efectiva para el aprendizaje. El 74% la encontró fácil de usar y el 91% expresó interés en utilizarla en otras asignaturas. Las conclusiones indican que Kahoot es una herramienta efectiva para mejorar el rendimiento académico y aumentar la motivación en Estudios Sociales. Su facilidad de uso y versatilidad la hacen adecuada para diversos contextos educativos, destacándose como herramienta de repaso y evaluación formativa. Además, demuestra el potencial de Kahoot para transformar positivamente la experiencia de aprendizaje, haciéndola más interactiva y atractiva.
ABSTRACT This study evaluated the impact of Kahoot as a dynamic tool for interactive learning in Social Studies for 8th-grade students at Ascázubi Educational Unit, addressing the need to integrate technology in the classroom to enhance motivation and academic performance. The quasi-experimental methodology compared a control group with traditional classes and an experimental group using Kahoot. Pre- and post-test surveys, teacher interviews, and academic results were analyzed. The findings revealed a significant improvement in the performance of the group that used Kahoot (average 8.53) compared to the control group (6.77). Student perception was highly positive, with 66% considering Kahoot very effective for learning. 74% found it easy to use, and 91% expressed interest in using it in other subjects. The conclusions indicate that Kahoot is an effective tool for improving academic performance and increasing motivation in Social Studies. Its ease of use and versatility make it suitable for various educational contexts. Its utility as a review and formative assessment tool was highlighted. The study demonstrates the potential of Kahoot to positively transform the learning experience, making it more interactive and engaging.
ABSTRACT This study evaluated the impact of Kahoot as a dynamic tool for interactive learning in Social Studies for 8th-grade students at Ascázubi Educational Unit, addressing the need to integrate technology in the classroom to enhance motivation and academic performance. The quasi-experimental methodology compared a control group with traditional classes and an experimental group using Kahoot. Pre- and post-test surveys, teacher interviews, and academic results were analyzed. The findings revealed a significant improvement in the performance of the group that used Kahoot (average 8.53) compared to the control group (6.77). Student perception was highly positive, with 66% considering Kahoot very effective for learning. 74% found it easy to use, and 91% expressed interest in using it in other subjects. The conclusions indicate that Kahoot is an effective tool for improving academic performance and increasing motivation in Social Studies. Its ease of use and versatility make it suitable for various educational contexts. Its utility as a review and formative assessment tool was highlighted. The study demonstrates the potential of Kahoot to positively transform the learning experience, making it more interactive and engaging.
Palabras clave
Educación, Aprendizaje, Enseñanza, Estrategias educativas
Quilumba, M. N. (2024). Kahoot como herramienta dinámica para el Aprendizaje interactivo de estudios sociales en 8° Egb, de la unidad educativa Ascázubi. Licenciatura en Educación Básica. Universidad de Otavalo