Participación familiar desde un enfoque inclusivo en el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en niños/as de 24 a 36 meses
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Universidad de Otavalo
El primer círculo social de un niño es su familia y sus cuidadores, mismos que pueden influir de manera positiva o negativa en su inteligencia emocional, por ello, el
objetivo general de la investigación es; analizar la participación familiar desde un enfoque inclusivo en el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional de los niños/as de 24 a 36 meses de los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil “El Panecillo” y “Semillas” del Distrito Quito Centro en el periodo 2022-2023. Se empleó la metodología mixta (encuesta y observación) con el propósito de recopilar y analizar datos que permitan comprender sí las familias y cuidadores conocen conceptos, diferencias, importancia de la inteligencia emocional, y su influencia en la misma. La herramienta utilizada que permitió conocer estos datos fue validada por 5 expertos, con un alfa de Cronbach de 0,89, pues la encuesta fue aplicada a 61 familias y 9 cuidadoras de los CDIs, a su vez, se revisó exhaustivamente la literatura sobre la inteligencia emocional y la importancia de la participación familiar. Los resultados de la investigación reflejan que las familias y cuidadores no prestan atención a las diferentes emociones que presentan los niños/as y en ocasiones le dan poca importancia, al mismo tiempo esto sugiere que la participación activa de los sujetos de investigación frente al desarrollo emocional es crucial para el bienestar de los niños/as. Con respecto a lo anteriormente mencionado se concluye que el medio si influye en la inteligencia emocional, y por ello se propone estrategias metodológicas que pueden ser llevadas a cabo por los padres y los cuidadores para apoyar el bienestar emocional de los niños y niñas.
ABSTRACT The first social circle of a child is his family and his caregivers, who can positively or negatively influence his emotional intelligence, therefore, the general objective of the research is; analyze family participation from an inclusive approach in the development of emotional intelligence of children from 24 to 36 months of the “El Panecillo” and “Semillas” Child Development Centers of the Quito Centro District in the period 20222023. The mixed methodology (survey and observation) was used with the purpose of collecting and analyzing data that allows us to understand whether families and caregivers know concepts, differences, importance of emotional intelligence, and its influence on it. The tool used that allowed us to obtain these data was validated by 5 experts, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.89, since the survey was applied to 61 families and 9 caregivers of the CDIs, in turn, the literature on the emotional intelligence and the importance of family participation. The results of the research reflect that families and caregivers do not pay attention to the different emotions that children present and sometimes give them little importance. At the same time, this suggests that the active participation of research subjects in emotional development It is crucial for the well-being of children. With respect to the aforementioned, it is concluded that the environment does influence emotional intelligence, and therefore metalogical strategies are proposed that can be carried out by parents and caregivers to support the emotional well-being of children.
ABSTRACT The first social circle of a child is his family and his caregivers, who can positively or negatively influence his emotional intelligence, therefore, the general objective of the research is; analyze family participation from an inclusive approach in the development of emotional intelligence of children from 24 to 36 months of the “El Panecillo” and “Semillas” Child Development Centers of the Quito Centro District in the period 20222023. The mixed methodology (survey and observation) was used with the purpose of collecting and analyzing data that allows us to understand whether families and caregivers know concepts, differences, importance of emotional intelligence, and its influence on it. The tool used that allowed us to obtain these data was validated by 5 experts, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.89, since the survey was applied to 61 families and 9 caregivers of the CDIs, in turn, the literature on the emotional intelligence and the importance of family participation. The results of the research reflect that families and caregivers do not pay attention to the different emotions that children present and sometimes give them little importance. At the same time, this suggests that the active participation of research subjects in emotional development It is crucial for the well-being of children. With respect to the aforementioned, it is concluded that the environment does influence emotional intelligence, and therefore metalogical strategies are proposed that can be carried out by parents and caregivers to support the emotional well-being of children.
Palabras clave
Inclusión social, Participación de los padres, Educación, Creatividad
Lascano, M. F., Tuquerres, M. P. (2023). Participación familiar desde un enfoque inclusivo en el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en niños/as de 24 a 36 meses. Maestría en Educación. Universidad de Otavalo