Aprendizaje y comprensión lectora
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Universidad de Otavalo
El aprendizaje está presente en cada etapa de desarrollo del ser humano, siendo un proceso de adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que se construye a través de las diferentes experiencias, observación o enseñanza de otras personas y contextos que transforman la conducta, permitiendo estar alerta y responder frente a las problemáticas diarias con herramientas útiles para su solución. Sin embargo, este no puede adquirirse sin la motivación personal por aprender y si se lo enfoca al ámbito educativo, además requerirá estrategias pedagógicas de enseñanza para lograr el objetivo, para lo que en Ecuador como en el mundo existen lineamientos, currículos, planificaciones y metodologías que guían a los educadores desde los primeros años escolares que son cruciales para el futuro conocimiento del alumnado. Conocimientos que desde los contenidos más básicos serán precursores de los más complejos, siendo la lectura una de las enseñanzas iniciales más fundamentales dado a que proporciona información nueva y desarrolla habilidades como la reflexión, análisis, memoria, expresión oral, lenguaje fluido, redacción, y pues no menos importante refuerza la capacidad para interpretar la propia realidad en la que se desenvuelve el sujeto. Por lo que leer se convierte en un acto indispensable en la adquisición de conocimientos, y más relevante aun la comprensión lectora que asegura que los aprendizajes no sean memorizados y olvidados sino lleguen a ser significativos al conectar, relacionar conocimientos previos y brinda la oportunidad de ser críticos, permitiendo comunicar los saberes efectivamente hacia el mundo exterior desde la comprensión de estos.
ABSTRACT Learning is present at every stage of development of the human being, being a process of acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes that is built through different experiences, observation or teaching of other people and contexts that transform behavior, allowing us to be alert. and respond to daily problems with useful tools for their solution. However, this cannot be acquired without personal motivation to learn and if it is focused on the educational field, it will also require pedagogical teaching strategies to achieve the objective, for which in Ecuador as in the world there are guidelines, curricula, planning and methodologies. that guide educators from the first school years that are crucial for the future knowledge of students. Knowledge that from the most basic contents will be precursors to the most complex ones, reading being one of the most fundamental initial teachings given that it provides new information and develops skills such as reflection, analysis, memory, oral expression, fluent language, writing, and Well, no less important, it reinforces the ability to interpret the reality in which the subject develops. Therefore, reading becomes an indispensable act in the acquisition of knowledge, and even more relevant is reading comprehension, which ensures that learning is not memorized and forgotten but rather becomes meaningful by connecting, relating prior knowledge, and provides the opportunity to be critical, allowing knowledge to be communicated effectively to the outside world from its understanding.
ABSTRACT Learning is present at every stage of development of the human being, being a process of acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes that is built through different experiences, observation or teaching of other people and contexts that transform behavior, allowing us to be alert. and respond to daily problems with useful tools for their solution. However, this cannot be acquired without personal motivation to learn and if it is focused on the educational field, it will also require pedagogical teaching strategies to achieve the objective, for which in Ecuador as in the world there are guidelines, curricula, planning and methodologies. that guide educators from the first school years that are crucial for the future knowledge of students. Knowledge that from the most basic contents will be precursors to the most complex ones, reading being one of the most fundamental initial teachings given that it provides new information and develops skills such as reflection, analysis, memory, oral expression, fluent language, writing, and Well, no less important, it reinforces the ability to interpret the reality in which the subject develops. Therefore, reading becomes an indispensable act in the acquisition of knowledge, and even more relevant is reading comprehension, which ensures that learning is not memorized and forgotten but rather becomes meaningful by connecting, relating prior knowledge, and provides the opportunity to be critical, allowing knowledge to be communicated effectively to the outside world from its understanding.
Palabras clave
Educación, Aprendizaje, Lectura, Metodología
Chicaiza, J. M., Rodriguez, D. X. (2023). Aprendizaje y comprensión lectora. Maestría en Psicopedagogía con Mención en Neurodesarrollo. Universidad de Otavalo