Bases neurofisiológicas implicadas en el lenguaje oral en la primera infancia
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Universidad de Otavalo
El presente trabajo pretende profundizar en la relación que existe entre las bases anatómicas, neurológicas y fisiológicas implicadas en el lenguaje oral durante la primera infancia, estas estructuras anatómicas, cuidadosamente entrelazadas, constituyen el sustrato neural sobre el cual se edifica el desarrollo lingüístico en sus etapas iniciales. La importancia de explorar estas bases radica en la influencia que ejercen sobre el desarrollo cognitivo y comunicativo de los individuos, entendiéndose como un proceso neurológico básico dentro de la construcción de las habilidades lingüísticas. Por esto, a lo largo del documento se abordará el proceso de desarrollo del lenguaje oral durante los primeros años de vida cuando el cerebro, respondiendo al proceso propio de la edad conocido como plasticidad, está experimentando un rápido y significativo crecimiento. Durante este período, ciertas áreas cerebrales comienzan a especializarse y empiezan a conformar el proceso de percepción, interpretación y producción del lenguaje oral, que en la primera infancia se caracteriza por iniciar con la captación de estímulos que provienen de los cuidadores, mismos que el infante comienza a relacionar con posibles significados o recompensas, con base en este contexto es importante y relevante señalar que este proceso está influenciado por factores culturales, el entorno geográfico y el nivel socioeconómico que rodea al niño.
ABSTRACT The present work aims to delve into the relationship that exists between the anatomical, neurological and physiological bases involved in oral language during early childhood. These anatomical structures, carefully intertwined, constitute the neural substrate on which linguistic development is built in its stages. initials. The importance of exploring these bases lies in the influence they exert on the cognitive and communicative development of individuals, understood as a basic neurological process within the construction of linguistic skills. For this reason, throughout the document we will address the process of oral language development during the first years of life when the brain, responding to the age-related process known as plasticity, is experiencing rapid and significant growth. During this period, certain brain areas begin to specialize and begin to shape the process of perception, interpretation and production of oral language, which in early childhood is characterized by beginning with the capture of stimuli that come from caregivers, the same as the infant. begins to relate with possible meanings or rewards, based on this context it is important and relevant to point out that this process is influenced by cultural factors, the geographical environment and the socioeconomic level that surrounds the child.
ABSTRACT The present work aims to delve into the relationship that exists between the anatomical, neurological and physiological bases involved in oral language during early childhood. These anatomical structures, carefully intertwined, constitute the neural substrate on which linguistic development is built in its stages. initials. The importance of exploring these bases lies in the influence they exert on the cognitive and communicative development of individuals, understood as a basic neurological process within the construction of linguistic skills. For this reason, throughout the document we will address the process of oral language development during the first years of life when the brain, responding to the age-related process known as plasticity, is experiencing rapid and significant growth. During this period, certain brain areas begin to specialize and begin to shape the process of perception, interpretation and production of oral language, which in early childhood is characterized by beginning with the capture of stimuli that come from caregivers, the same as the infant. begins to relate with possible meanings or rewards, based on this context it is important and relevant to point out that this process is influenced by cultural factors, the geographical environment and the socioeconomic level that surrounds the child.
Palabras clave
Educación, Filosofía, Estrategias educativas, Infancia
López, E. L., Montalvo, E. V. (2023). Bases neurofisiológicas implicadas en el lenguaje oral en la primera infancia. Maestría en Psicopedagogía con Mención en Neurodesarrollo. Universidad de Otavalo