Estrategias metodológicas y desarrollo cognitivo en la primera infancia.
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Universidad de Otavalo
El propósito de este estudio es examinar la conexión entre las estrategias metodológicas y el desarrollo cognitivo en los primeros años de vida. Se sostiene que los seres humanos adquieren habilidades y conocimientos con el fin de adaptarse e integrarse en su entorno, proceso al que se le denomina desarrollo cognitivo. Este proceso involucra el uso de funciones mentales como la memoria, el lenguaje, la planificación y la resolución de problemas, entre otras. Por otro lado, la etapa de la primera infancia abarca desde el nacimiento hasta los seis años, durante la cual se adquieren habilidades para el pensamiento, el razonamiento y el lenguaje, se establecen vínculos emocionales y se asimilan las normas y reglas socio-culturales. Durante la etapa de la primera infancia, se produce el primer contacto con la escuela. A partir de este hecho, surge la necesidad de que los maestros utilicen estrategias metodológicas apropiadas para la edad de sus estudiantes. Estas estrategias se consideran el medio para aplicar los principios metodológicos y pedagógicos de manera efectiva. Es crucial desarrollar estrategias pedagógicas adecuadas a la edad escolar de los estudiantes, con el fin de lograr los objetivos formativos del proceso de aprendizaje. Además, estas estrategias pedagógicas buscan fomentar la creatividad en los alumnos como parte integral de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
The purpose of this study is to examine the connection between methodological strategies and cognitive development in the first years of life. It is argued that human beings acquire skills and knowledge in order to adapt and integrate into their environment, a process called cognitive development. This process involves the use of mental functions such as memory, language, planning and problem solving, among others. On the other hand, the stage of early childhood covers from birth to six years, during which skills for thinking, reasoning and language are acquired, emotional bonds are established and socio-cultural norms and rules are assimilated. During the early childhood stage, the first contact with school occurs. From this fact, the need arises for teachers to use methodological strategies appropriate for the age of their students. These strategies are considered the means to apply methodological and pedagogical principles effectively. It is crucial to develop pedagogical strategies appropriate to the school age of the students, in order to achieve the training objectives of the learning process. Furthermore, these pedagogical strategies seek to foster creativity in students as an integral part of the teaching and learning processes.
The purpose of this study is to examine the connection between methodological strategies and cognitive development in the first years of life. It is argued that human beings acquire skills and knowledge in order to adapt and integrate into their environment, a process called cognitive development. This process involves the use of mental functions such as memory, language, planning and problem solving, among others. On the other hand, the stage of early childhood covers from birth to six years, during which skills for thinking, reasoning and language are acquired, emotional bonds are established and socio-cultural norms and rules are assimilated. During the early childhood stage, the first contact with school occurs. From this fact, the need arises for teachers to use methodological strategies appropriate for the age of their students. These strategies are considered the means to apply methodological and pedagogical principles effectively. It is crucial to develop pedagogical strategies appropriate to the school age of the students, in order to achieve the training objectives of the learning process. Furthermore, these pedagogical strategies seek to foster creativity in students as an integral part of the teaching and learning processes.
Palabras clave
Estrategias, Desarrollo, Infancia, Habilidades
Cadena, M. De L. y Castillo, J. S. (2023). Estrategias metodológicas y desarrollo cognitivo en la primera infancia. Maestría en Psicopedagogía mención en Neurodesarrollo. Universidad de Otavalo.