El juego como estrategia pedagógica para fortalecer las funciones ejecutivas en la etapa infantil
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Universidad de Otavalo
La educación inicial desempeña un papel fundamental en el progreso social de las naciones, y esta afirmación se sustenta en las experiencias observadas en países nórdicos como Finlandia, Noruega, Suecia y Suiza, como se evidencia en el Índice de Desarrollo Humano del año 2022. En estos lugares, se da prioridad a la provisión de una educación de alta calidad desde los primeros años de vida, aprovechando la etapa en la cual el cerebro de los niños está generando un elevado número de conexiones neuronales. A pesar de la complejidad inherente al estudio del cerebro humano debido a su extensión, resulta pertinente comprender algunos de los procesos implicados que contribuyen al fortalecimiento del desarrollo infantil. Durante la fase infantil, la progresión en el aprendizaje y desarrollo cognitivo trasciende la mera adquisición de conocimientos teóricos. Es imperativo que los niños también cultiven habilidades esenciales conocidas como funciones ejecutivas, un conjunto de procesos mentales que les permite planificar, organizar, regular su comportamiento, resolver problemas y adaptarse a cambios en su entorno. En este contexto, se ha evidenciado que la implementación del juego como estrategia pedagógica constituye una herramienta eficaz y atractiva para reforzar de manera efectiva estas funciones ejecutivas en los niños.
ABSTRACT Early education plays a fundamental role in the social progress of nations, and this statement is supported by the experiences observed in Nordic countries such as Finland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, as evidenced in the Human Development Index for the year 2022. In In these places, priority is given to the provision of high-quality education from the first years of life, taking advantage of the stage in which children's brains are generating a high number of neuronal connections. Despite the complexity inherent in the study of the human brain due to its extension, it is pertinent to understand some of the processes involved that contribute to strengthening child development. During the childhood phase, the progression in learning and cognitive development transcends the mere acquisition of theoretical knowledge. It is imperative that children also cultivate essential skills known as executive functions, a set of mental processes that allow them to plan, organize, regulate their behavior, solve problems, and adapt to changes in their environment. In this context, it has been shown that the implementation of games as a pedagogical strategy constitutes an effective and attractive tool to effectively reinforce these executive functions in children.
ABSTRACT Early education plays a fundamental role in the social progress of nations, and this statement is supported by the experiences observed in Nordic countries such as Finland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, as evidenced in the Human Development Index for the year 2022. In In these places, priority is given to the provision of high-quality education from the first years of life, taking advantage of the stage in which children's brains are generating a high number of neuronal connections. Despite the complexity inherent in the study of the human brain due to its extension, it is pertinent to understand some of the processes involved that contribute to strengthening child development. During the childhood phase, the progression in learning and cognitive development transcends the mere acquisition of theoretical knowledge. It is imperative that children also cultivate essential skills known as executive functions, a set of mental processes that allow them to plan, organize, regulate their behavior, solve problems, and adapt to changes in their environment. In this context, it has been shown that the implementation of games as a pedagogical strategy constitutes an effective and attractive tool to effectively reinforce these executive functions in children.
Palabras clave
Educación, Estrategias educativas, Pedagogía, Creatividad
Cuascota, K. M., Simbaña, S. M. (2024). El juego como estrategia pedagógica para fortalecer las funciones ejecutivas en la etapa infantil. Maestría en Psicopedagogía con Mención en Neurodesarrollo. Universidad de Otavalo