Desarrollo cognitivo infantil en el marco del modelo del sistema de educación intercultural bilingüe (MOSEIB)
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Universidad de Otavalo
De acuerdo al Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INEC, 2022), la población actual de Ecuador es de 17.895.131 habitantes, con 14 nacionalidades y 18 pueblos indígenas que suman más de 1 millón de personas. La mayoría de estas nacionalidades, son bilingües, se encuentran en la Costa, Si erra, la Amazonía, y la Región Insular, como la Nacionalidad Kichwa siendo la más numerosa. Sin embargo, se carece de políticas públicas específicas y claras que prevengan y neutralicen el riesgo de desaparición de estos pueblos. (Mamo, 2022). En este sentido, el Mineduc-Moseib (2016) señala que Ecuador, es un país multilingüe y plurinacional, que presenta diversas nacionalidades: Awa, Epera, Chachi, Tsa’chi, Kichwa, A’i (Cofán), Pai (Secoya), Bai (Siona), Wao, Achuar, Shiwiar, Shuar, Sapara y Andwa. En base a lo anterior, para conservar la identidad cultural y lingüística, se establece que cada nacionalidad tiene derecho a contar con su propia educación. Fruto de ello nace el Modelo del Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (MOSEIB), el cual está concebido para coadyuvar en la construcción del Estado plurinacional e intercultural, además de un desarrollo sostenible y sustentable para los tiempos venideros.
ABSTRACT According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC, 2022), the current population of Ecuador is 17,895,131 inhabitants, with 14 nationalities and 18 indigenous peoples totaling more than 1 million people. The majority of these nationalities are bilingual and are found on the Coast, Sierra, the Amazon, and the Insular Region, with the Kichwa Nationality being the most numerous. However, there is a lack of specific and clear public policies that prevent and neutralize the risk of disappearance of these peoples. (Mamo, 2022). In this sense, Mineduc-Moseib (2016) points out that Ecuador is a multilingual and plurinational country, which presents various nationalities: Awa, Epera, Chachi, Tsa'chi, Kichwa, A'i (Cofán), Pai (Secoya) , Bai (Siona), Wao, Achuar, Shiwiar, Shuar, Sapara and Andwa. Based on the above, to preserve cultural and linguistic identity, it is established that each nationality has the right to have its own education. As a result of this, the Model of the Bilingual Intercultural Education System (MOSEIB) was born, which is designed to contribute to the construction of the plurinational and intercultural State, in addition to sustainable and sustainable development for the times to come.
ABSTRACT According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC, 2022), the current population of Ecuador is 17,895,131 inhabitants, with 14 nationalities and 18 indigenous peoples totaling more than 1 million people. The majority of these nationalities are bilingual and are found on the Coast, Sierra, the Amazon, and the Insular Region, with the Kichwa Nationality being the most numerous. However, there is a lack of specific and clear public policies that prevent and neutralize the risk of disappearance of these peoples. (Mamo, 2022). In this sense, Mineduc-Moseib (2016) points out that Ecuador is a multilingual and plurinational country, which presents various nationalities: Awa, Epera, Chachi, Tsa'chi, Kichwa, A'i (Cofán), Pai (Secoya) , Bai (Siona), Wao, Achuar, Shiwiar, Shuar, Sapara and Andwa. Based on the above, to preserve cultural and linguistic identity, it is established that each nationality has the right to have its own education. As a result of this, the Model of the Bilingual Intercultural Education System (MOSEIB) was born, which is designed to contribute to the construction of the plurinational and intercultural State, in addition to sustainable and sustainable development for the times to come.
Palabras clave
Educación, Estrategias educativas, Bilingüismo, Creatividad
Masaquiza, M. R. (2023). Desarrollo cognitivo infantil en el marco del modelo del sistema de educación intercultural bilingüe (MOSEIB). Maestría en Psicopedagogía con Mención en Neurodesarrollo. Universidad de Otavalo