Design thinking como estrategia de aprendizaje de la matemática en estudiantes de EGB superior
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Universidad de Otavalo
El Design Thinking es una metodología activa de enseñanza-aprendizaje caracterizada por estimular las capacidades creativas del alumnado. El objetivo del presente estudio es proponer la utilización de la metodología Design Thinking como estrategia que mejore el aprendizaje de la Matemática en estudiantes de EGB superior de la Unidad Educativa Alejandro Andrade Coello del cantón Quito en la provincia de Pichincha. Sustentados en la problemática entorno al tradicionalismo con que se imparten las clases de Matemática, los estudiantes ven afectados su formación académica. El sostén metodológico se basa en un estudio cuantitativo no experimental, donde apoyados en una encuesta se averigua el interés de los estudiantes por aprender de una manera diferente, también se analizan factores que dificultan el aprendizaje. Los datos recabados analizados estadísticamente condujeron a la verificación de la hipótesis. Partiendo del análisis se evidencia una marcada tendencia de los estudiantes a desarrollarse dentro de ambientes de aprendizaje más creativos donde se tome en cuenta las ideas de los estudiantes. Además, se ponen en manifiesto ciertos factores tradicionalistas que no incentivan el aprendizaje y disminuyen la capacidad de pensamiento crítico. Por último, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y acepta la hipótesis alternativa la cual está respaldada por la prueba estadística del coeficiente de Spearman con un valor de 0.783, considerando al Design Thinking como una propuesta viable para conseguir una mejora en el aprendizaje de la Matemática, con el fin de potenciar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Los resultados del estudio pueden apoyar futuras investigaciones relacionadas con la temática.
Abstract Design Thinking is an active teaching-learning methodology characterized by stimulating the creative abilities of students. The objective of this study is to propose the use of the Design Thinking methodology as a strategy that improves the learning of Mathematics i higher EGB students of the Alejandro Andrade Coello Educational Unit of the Quito canton in the province of Pichincha. Supported by the problems surrounding the traditionalism with which Mathematics classes are taught, students see their academic training affected. The methodological support is based on a non-experimental quantitative study, where, supported by a survey, students' interest in learning in a different way is ascertained, factors that hinder learning are also analyzed. The collected data, statistically analyzed, led to the verification of the hypothesis. Based on the analysis, a marked tendency of students to develop within more creative learning environments where students' ideas are taken into account is evident. In addition, certain traditionalist factors that do not encourage learning and diminish the capacity for critical thinking are revealed. Finally, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, which is supported by the statistical test of the Spearman coefficient with a value of 0.783, considering Design Thinking as a viable proposal to achieve an improvement in the learning of Mathematics, in order to enhance the teaching-learning process. The results of the study can support future research related to the subject.
Abstract Design Thinking is an active teaching-learning methodology characterized by stimulating the creative abilities of students. The objective of this study is to propose the use of the Design Thinking methodology as a strategy that improves the learning of Mathematics i higher EGB students of the Alejandro Andrade Coello Educational Unit of the Quito canton in the province of Pichincha. Supported by the problems surrounding the traditionalism with which Mathematics classes are taught, students see their academic training affected. The methodological support is based on a non-experimental quantitative study, where, supported by a survey, students' interest in learning in a different way is ascertained, factors that hinder learning are also analyzed. The collected data, statistically analyzed, led to the verification of the hypothesis. Based on the analysis, a marked tendency of students to develop within more creative learning environments where students' ideas are taken into account is evident. In addition, certain traditionalist factors that do not encourage learning and diminish the capacity for critical thinking are revealed. Finally, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, which is supported by the statistical test of the Spearman coefficient with a value of 0.783, considering Design Thinking as a viable proposal to achieve an improvement in the learning of Mathematics, in order to enhance the teaching-learning process. The results of the study can support future research related to the subject.
Palabras clave
Creatividad, Matemáticas, Educación, Metodología
Antamba, C. R., Arauz, E. I. (2023). Design thinking como estrategia de aprendizaje de la matemática en estudiantes de EGB superior. Maestría en Educación. Universidad de Otavalo